Delegate fees (182 PLN (from Poland)/40 EUR (from abroad)) should be transferred to:
Stowarzyszenie Przyjaciół II Liceum Ogólnokształcącego im. Generałowej Zamoyskiej i Heleny Modrzejewskiej w Poznaniu
Account number: 51 1610 1133 2003 0130 0651 0001
In the title, please put "POZMUN fee *your name*"
After paying the fee, we ask you to send a payment confirmation to:
Delegate fees are not refundable.
Partner Conferences

Aleksandra Sachajko
Deputy Secretary General

Ignacy Forysiewicz
USG for Finance

Julia Oleszyńska
Secretary General

Julia Żakowska
USG for External Affairs

Maciej Matuszczak
USG for Graphic Design

Marta Młynarczyk
President of the General Assembly

Natalia Siwek
USG for Human Resources

Oskar Weber
USG for Finance

Weronika Mugaj
USG for Media & Photography

Wiktoria Gawrońska
USG for Logistics

Wiktoria Gierlik
USG for Media & Photography

Zuzanna Modrowska
USG for Delegate Service