Shaping the world of tomorrow
ZuMUN is an international Model United Nations conference taking place annually in the beautiful city of Zurich, Switzerland, co-organized by ETH MUN and the MUN Team of the University of Zurich. This year, the topic is Sustainability and Technology: Shaping tomorrow and delegates can take part in fascinating hours of debate in the various committees. After the debate, delegates can enjoy an evening at the wonderful Belevoirpark or go to one of the most well known party locations of ETH. Be prepared to have great debates, lots of fun and make new friends!
Partner Conferences

Daria Cherednychenko
USG for Delegates & Registrations

Eleah Paetsch
Secretary General

Humberto Tomé
USG for Events

Jakob Sonnenfeld
USG for IT
Jonathan Maillefaud
USG for Finances

Lene Liedtke
OC for Marketing & Communications

Letizia Ugliotti
USG for Committees & Chairs

Marguerite Babusiaux
USG for Marketing & Communications

Philipp Wegmann
OC for Marketing & Communications

Theodor Babusiaux
Secretary General