WorldMUN 2022 | Tokyo 2022-03-13 | 2022-03-13 | mymun


Tokyo, Japan

Mar 13 - Mar 18, 2022


1100 delegates expected

University Students



Sep 10, 2021 - Jan 15, 2022

Head Delegates

Sep 10, 2021 - Jan 15, 2022

Faculty Advisor

Sep 10, 2021 - Jan 15, 2022


Sep 10, 2021 - Jan 15, 2022

Dear delegates and faculty,

WorldMUN is no longer hosting an in-person conference.

I am reaching out today with unfortunate news. It deeply saddens me to inform you that the upcoming edition of Harvard World Model United Nations scheduled for March 13-18, 2022 will now be held entirely virtually. This difficult decision comes after recent developments in the COVID-19 public health crisis, including increased restrictions on travel being implemented worldwide. Specifically, likely quarantine requirements in Japan combined with high possibility for increasingly infectious variants make it difficult to proceed with an in-person conference in Tokyo. We will continue to monitor the spread of the virus over time, but we believe that a virtual event is the safest option for delegates and our staffers at this time. I hope that you can understand the unfortunate nature of these developments that are out of our hands, and in placing the health, security, and travel of the WorldMUN community above all else, it is not possible for us to meet in-person this upcoming March.

I understand that many of you will have questions about the next steps. In particular, we recognize that many of you will be wondering about refunds and credit transfer policies. 

  • You can receive refunds for already paid delegate fees for our 2022 conference through myMUN. If interested, please fill out this form by December 31, 2021 — we will not be considering applications after this deadline. We will be offering refunds to all delegates who have already paid for their registration fees on myMUN and will only be issuing refunds through myMUN. Unfortunately, we are unable to reimburse travel expenses and other accumulated expenses. Once again, if you are interested in receiving a refund for your registration fees, please fill out this form.

  • If you are interested in rolling over your application to the Virtual WorldMUN Conference, please register here. We will be working hard to replicate the in-person conference experience and hope to see you there.

  • Given the unpredictability of the COVID-19 pandemic, we will not be offering rollovers for our 2023 conference.


We do not take this situation lightly and understand the stress and inconvenience that this may cause many of you. We know that your delegations have put in hours of hard work and enthusiasm, and it sincerely saddens us to know that your efforts will not be met with the running of an excellent conference that you all so clearly deserve. Our Chairs, the Host Team, and Secretariat have also put in countless hours of work on the logistics, committees, and delegate experience, and our spirits have been shattered knowing that our vision for an in-person conference will not come to fruition. For many delegates as well as for one-third of our chairs, this was set to be the last WorldMUN and last Model UN conference they will ever experience, making this decision all the more stinging. Speaking personally, WorldMUN has been the core of my extracurricular and social life for the past four years, and it pains me to know that I will not be able to implement our vision for conference this year.

As someone set to graduate this year, I have accepted that I will not be able to attend my final WorldMUN. However, I know that my love for this conference—the WorldMUN spirit that we always speak of—will live on in my successors and in all of you, the delegates who make this conference possible. 

The disappointment of not being able to meet with you all in-person is immense. However, we are excited to announce our virtual conference scheduled for the same time. We feel that a virtual setting will not only allow us to continue to have a positive impact upon young people from around the world by bringing diverse ideologies, cultures, and interests together and will help us stay safe during this unprecedented time. The success of last year’s virtual conference also promises an educational, enjoyable, and connective experience. 

Thank you for keeping the WorldMUN spirit alive and persevering as ever. 


Hope Kudo


Harvard World Model United Nations


WorldMUN 2022

(*)(*)(*)(*)( )


10 Ratings

WorldMUN 2021

(*)(*)(*)(*)( )


230 Ratings

Harvard WorldMUN 2019

(*)(*)(*)(*)( )


1192 Ratings

Harvard WorldMUN 2018



544 Ratings

WorldMUN 2017



833 Ratings

Harvard WorldMUN 2016

(*)(*)(*)(*)( )


1144 Ratings

WorldMUN 2015



128 Ratings


Meiji Great Council of State, 1873 - 1876
Historical International Atomic Energy Agency
United Nations Human Rights Council
Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
Economic and Financial Committee
Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee
Special Political and Decolonization Committee
Legal Committee
International Labor Organization
United Nations Special Summit on Technology
Cosa Nostra
Pirate Confederation of Ching Shih
Mandela Cabinet
Council of Ministers of the State of Palestine
Tribal Conference of 1852
UN Commission on the Status of Women
World Health Organization
Meiji Great Council of State, 1873 - 1876
Historical International Atomic Energy Agency
United Nations Human Rights Council
Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
Economic and Financial Committee
Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee
Special Political and Decolonization Committee
Legal Committee
International Labor Organization
United Nations Special Summit on Technology
Cosa Nostra
Pirate Confederation of Ching Shih
Mandela Cabinet
Council of Ministers of the State of Palestine
Tribal Conference of 1852
UN Commission on the Status of Women
World Health Organization

12 Spots


41 Spots


36 Spots


32 Spots


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200 Spots


200 Spots


92 Spots


80 Spots


128 Spots


144 Spots


128 Spots


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