UABMUN 2025 | Barcelona 2025-04-03 | 2025-04-03 | mymun


Barcelona, Spain

Apr 3 - Apr 6, 2025


150 delegates expected

University Students



Oct 21, 2024 - Nov 3, 2024


Jan 13, 2025 - Feb 9, 2025

Unbuilding Walls Together - DeconstruĂŻnt Murs Juntes

Dear future delegates,

Welcome to the 5th edition of the Model United Nations of the Autonomous University of Barcelona - the greenest! This edition will take place from the 3rd to the 6th of April 2025 in our marvelous Bellaterra campus. 

The motto for this edition will be â€śUnbuilding Walls Together”. In a world where we seem to be increasingly divided, falling back into prejudices and distrust, the tendency to separate is as present as ever. We advocate for the opposite: a world for everybody, a celebration of humanity, and unbuilding the walls that keep us apart.

This year, we have the will to keep expanding our conference without losing the welcoming, familiar essence that previous editions have acted upon. That’s why this year’s Secretariat is the perfect mix between experience and ambition.

Our academics team has carefully analyzed the feedback given by last year delegates in order to set up eight completely new committees. As always, our conference will be multilingual, with six committees in English, one committee in Spanish and the only committee in Catalan in the world.

Lastly, UABMUN 2025 will not only focus on guaranteeing its academic excellence but ensuring that delegates will enjoy the experience in a safe and open environment. That’s why we provided our conference with a safety protocol, so everybody is welcome to enjoy the debating experience as well as our fantastic socials.

For more information, follow our Instagram page (@uabmun) and don’t forget to apply next January!

See you soon,

NatĂ lia Laborda and Roger Plans

Secretaries General of UABMUN 25


Estimades futures delegades,

Benvingudes a la cinquena ediciĂł del Model de les Nacions Unides de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona – el MUN mĂ©s verd! Aquesta ediciĂł es durĂ  a terme del 3 al 6 d’abril del 2025, en el nostre meravellĂłs campus de Bellaterra.

El lema d’aquesta ediciĂł Ă©s â€śDeconstruint Murs Juntes”’. En un mĂłn on sembla que estem cada cop mĂ©s dividides, retornant als prejudicis, desconfiances i amb la tendència a construir murs cada vegada mĂ©s present. Nosaltres volem advocar pel contrari: un mĂłn per tothom, una celebraciĂł de la humanitat, mentre deconstruĂŻm murs juntes.

Aquest any, tenim l’objectiu de continuar expandint la nostra conferència sense perdre el rigor que les nostres predecessores ens han transmès. Per aquesta raó, el secretariat d’enguany és la barreja perfecta entre l’experiència i l’ambició.

El nostre equip acadèmic ha analitzat atentament les recomanacions que ens van donar les delegades de l’ediciĂł anterior amb l’objectiu d’establir vuit nous comitès. Com ja Ă©s habitual, la nostra conferència serĂ  multilingĂĽe: sis comitès en anglès, un en castellĂ  i el nostre estimat i exclusiu comitè en catalĂ .

Finalment, UABMUN 2025 no només es concentrarà en garantir una altíssima qualitat acadèmica, sinó que també vol assegurar-se que totes gaudim de l’experiència en un entorn obert i segur. És per aquest motiu que l’hem dotada d’un protocol per tal que totes les persones siguin benvingudes tant als debats com als nostres esdeveniments socials d’ensomni.

Si vols més informació segueix el nostre compte d’Instagram (@uabmun) i no t’oblidis d’aplicar durant el gener.

Ens veiem aviat,

NatĂ lia Laborda i Roger Plans

SecretĂ ries Generals de UABMUN 25









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United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
Cumbre del Futuro
World Health Organization
International Maritime Organization
United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
Cumbre del Futuro
World Health Organization
International Maritime Organization











The United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) is a key advisory body established by the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) on July 28, 2000, to address the rights and concerns ...

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The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) is a specialized UN agency responsible for promoting international cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space. The office focuses on sup...

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La Cumbre del Futuro es un evento de alto nivel organizado por las Naciones Unidas que tuvo lugar en Nueva York los dĂ­as 22 y 23 de septiembre de 2024. Este encuentro reuniĂł a lĂ­deres mundiales con el...

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The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for international public health. Established on April 7, 1948. WHO's core functions include providing lead...

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The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for regulating international shipping. Established in 1948 the IMO's primary objective is to pro...

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Fostering indigenous leadership in global governance at the United Nations

Legal recognition and protection of indigenous land titles and traditional land-use practices


Revising PAROS agreement and the placement of weapons in outer space

Regulating Space Debris in Low Earth Orbits (LEOs)


Impulsando el acceso a las energĂ­as renovables en el sur global

El impacto del turismo de masas en el lugar de destino


Vaccine distribution equity in the global fight against emerging diseases

From farm to pharmacy: ensuring quality and safety in medicinal plant use


Security management and marine traffic in the Red Sea

The sustainable exploitation of natural resources in the Arctic

Partner Conferences


Madrid, Spain

MUNSA  2024Logo
MUNSA 2024

Barcelona, Spain


Roger Plans i VilardellProfile Picture

Roger Plans i Vilardell
Secretary General

Griselda Subirachs GarciaProfile Picture

Griselda Subirachs Garcia
Communications Team

Arnau PeigProfile Picture

Arnau Peig
Director General

Irene De la TorreProfile Picture

Irene De la Torre
Delegate Services Team

Guillem  Carrillo Profile Picture

Guillem Carrillo
Academics Team

Franco Beramendi AssayagProfile Picture

Franco Beramendi Assayag
Delegate Services Team

NatĂ lia LabordaProfile Picture

NatĂ lia Laborda
Secretary General

Sara Tarragona RodésProfile Picture

Sara Tarragona Rodés
Communications Team

Anna Farré PedrósProfile Picture

Anna Farré Pedrós
Delegate Services Team

Hoda ChehabProfile Picture

Hoda Chehab
Academics Team

Iris Barcons CoberoProfile Picture

Iris Barcons Cobero
Delegate Services Team