We kindly welcome You to the 5th Edition of Płock Model United Nations that is to take place from 2nd June 2022 to 4th June 2022. This year we are more than delighted to announce that after one-year interruption in the traditional stationary PlocMUN experience, the Conference is finally hosted in situ, in the Magnificent City of Płock.
Perpetuating the tradition of this award-winning Conference, being inspired by its prior unprecedented success (despite omnipresent disbelief Płock Model United Nations had been rated as the best small conference in the world), we aim to resurrect the ultimate MUN experience of the antecedent conferences.
1) The City Hall of Płock- Stary Rynek 1, 09-409 Płock (Opening Ceremony, General Assembly I)
2) Liceum Ogólnokształcące z Oddziałami Dwujęzycznymi im. Władysława Jagiełły w Płocku- 3 Maja 4, 09-402 Płock (Committee proceedings)
3)Mazowiecka Uczelnia Publiczna- Konstantego Ildefonsa Gałczyńskiego 28, 09-400 Płock (Closing Ceremony, General Assembly II)
In order to secure your spot at our conference and be granted an assignment, after obtaining an „accepted” status please transfer a Delegate fee according to:
Beneficiary: Rada Rodziców przy Liceum Ogólnokształcącym z Oddziałami Dwujęzycznymi im. Wł. Jagiełły w Płocku
(If your bank does not accept such a long name, please type Rada Rodziców LWJ)
Account number: 18 2030 0045 1110 0000 0247 3960
IBAN: PL 18 2030 0045 1110 0000 0247 3960 (International only*)
SWIFT: GOPZPLPW (International only*)
Amount: 150 PLN/ 35 EUR (International only*)
Title: Name and Surname+ PlocMUN 2022 Delegate Fee
After transferring the fee, please send a confirmation of payment to plocmun2022ds@gmail.com. Note, that this step is crucial in order to be given an assignment.
In case of any inquires regarding the application process or the payment confirmation, please contact us via Facebook page or email:
Should you have any business inquiries, please contact us via:
Make sure you follow us on Facebook and Instagram:
Partner Conferences

Amelia Duch
USG Finance

Bartłomiej Kaczorek
Vice President of the General Assembly

Bartosz Petecki
Secretariat Creative Advisor

Eryk Zakrzewski
Venue Manager

Franciszek Sztupecki
USG Logistics

Jagoda Jagielska
President of the General Assembly

Laura Kowalska
Secretary General

Natalia Gospoś
Page Mommy

Paula Brzozowska
USG Media and Design

Piotr Józefczyk
USG External Affairs

Tomasz Petecki
Deputy Secretary General