3rd edition of Płock Model United Nations is going to be special, for the first time in PlocMUN's history, it will last 3 days.
Join us and take part in something more than just a conference!
The event is organized by the students from Władysław Jagiełło High School in Płock. PlocMUN will take place between 13th and 15th of June 2019.
The fee for the conference is 110 PLN or 26 EUR.
The title of the transfer should be:
PlocMUN 2019, Delegate name and surname
Bank account details:
Rada Rodziców przy Zespole Szkół nr 6
ul. 3 maja 4
09-402 Płock
18 2030 0045 1110 0000 0247 3960
Partner Conferences

Iga Czyż
Deputy Secretary General

Kacper Szpejna
Chair Coordinator

Michał Wyrębkowski
President of General Assembly

Mikołaj Kubera
Secretary General

Ola Żaglewska
USG for Finance

Zuzia Jędrzejewska
USG for Public Relations