We warmly welcome you to the Digital Edition of Płock Model United Nations which is to take place from 23th October to the 24th of October 2020. Continuing the tradition of the last PlocMUN which was ranked 4th in the world among the Small MUN Conferences, we will provide to you the best experience of online debating, one remarkably similar, yet different from a normal MUN experience.
Dofinansowano ze środków Samorządu Województwa Mazowieckiego oraz CIFAL Płock.
Payment Information:
Cost: 5 EUR (or 22 PLN)
Partner Conferences

Aleksandra Kowalska
President of General Assembly

Eryk Moskalenko
Deputy President of General Assembly

Kacper Szpejna
Grey Eminence

Kasia Kamińska
Deputy Secretary-General

Maja Białaszek
USG for Public Relations

Michał Kamiński
USG for Logistics

Michał Wyrębkowski

Szymon Dembowski
IT Coordinator
Zuzia Bauman
USG for Social Event