The Role of National Identity in a Global Society: Migration vs. Isolation
Welcome to the 16th edition of the Model United Nations of the University of Salamanca! The University of Salamanca is the oldest university in Spain, and the fourth oldest educational institution in Europe.
The Cultural and Youth Association Model United Nations, University of Salamanca (MUNUSAL) was created as a vehicle for the students of the USAL to interact with the world of diplomacy and the MUN community, in Spain and in other countries. Since its conception, the association has taken an active role in various prestigious models abroad. Over the years we have attended BerlinMUN (Germany), PoziMUN (Poland), MIMUN (Madrid), KULMUN (Belgium), LISBOMUN (Portugal), BIMUN (Germany) among others and we are looking forward to attending many more.
Our theme this year is The Role of National Identity in a Global Society: Migration vs. Isolation. The advancement of globalization towards a global society has fostered the interaction of people with different cultural backgrounds and values.
As migration makes national populations become more diverse, debate has arisen in many places regarding how the cultural background of migrants can transform the culture of their new homes and if it should at all. There are also discussions about how far can migrants be asked to integrate into their host culture, without giving up their own identity, or if as new citizens of a Nation, they should leave their own cultural identities behind.
At the same time, the cultural effects of emigration on the origin countries for the migrants remains a severely under-considered topic. As the young and educated make up a large percentage of immigrants, how are cultural traditions to be passed to future generations?
Of course, national identity is only one of the many and much broader discussions on the topic of migration, but it’s one that can be intertwined with many other sub-topics such as development, national security, and human rights just to name a few.
We can't wait to see you in Salamanca!
Partner Conferences

Daniel Kahn Sasso
MUNUSAL President
Jose Jaime Ll
Forms & Bureaucracy Manager

Lucía González Cilleros
MUNUSAL Secretary

Munusal Universidad de Salamanca MUN
Host Association

Nicolas Cardona
Secretary General

Pablo Timón Iglesias
External Relations, EU Affairs & Partnerships Manager

Sophia Pizano Sanchez
Forms & Bureaucracy Manager

Tomás Branco
Deputy Secretary General

Violeta Olalla Ruiz
Forms, Bureaucracy and External Relations Liaison