Turning a Blind Eye - International Crises Beyond COVID-19
Over the past few years many international conflicts have escaped the global scope of attention with an ongoing pandemic and the (inter-)national measures taken to tackle it taking up most of our focus.
However, these conflicts have not been resolved or maybe they even started during this period - therefore, GöMUN 2022 will provide a platform for all the topics that escaped extensive global press coverage as well as for those that are being covered broadly at the moment:
Turning a Blind Eye - International Crises Beyond COVID-19
7/July/2022 afternoon: Openings and committee session I
8/July/2022: committee sessions II, III
9/July/2022: committee sessions IV, V
10/July/2022: committee session VI, Closings
We are excited for individual delegate applications as well as applications as a delegation.
Chair applications are closed!
Delegate applications are open now!
(fee 45€, with committee sessions, three socials as well as catering being covered)
Partner Conferences

Aaron Leontaris
Deputy Secretary-General

Iris Lassahn
USG Registration

Kira Brendel
USG Press

Leosch Ehlers
USG Socials & Logistics

Michael Schütte

Paulina Jaar
USG Registration

Phil Tobeck
USG Finance