TIMUN 2019 | Tashkent 2019-03-29 | 2019-03-29 | mymun


Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Mar 29 - Mar 31, 2019

500 delegates expected

University Students



Dec 10, 2018 - Feb 15, 2019

Head Delegates

Dec 10, 2018 - Feb 1, 2019

Faculty Advisor

Dec 10, 2018 - Feb 1, 2019


Mar 27, 2019 - Mar 29, 2019


TIMUN is a simulation of the 8 UN Committees (General Assembly, Crisis Committee, Security Council, ECOSOC, UNESCO, Commission on the Status of Women, General Assembly 3rd Committee and Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice ) that will be held in honor of Doha Declaration to promote “Education for Justice” Initiative.

TIMUN is aimed to empower youth in the field of international diplomacy, global politics, public speaking, leadership and effective negotiating. It is a bridge between United Nations and students, which allows youth to have an open dialogue on the range of complex issues and propose their own solutions for tackling global problems.

TIMUN also invites scholars from different fields to have dialogue with young people and stimulate future generation to be heard and have an impact on the world. Moreover, it is nominated аs "The Best Youth Social Project of 2018" by the Youth Union of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


TIMUN 2019



By linking previous editions of your conference you show people how well they were rated!


The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA)
The Economic and Social Council  (ECOSOC)
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
The Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ)
Social, Cultural and Humanitarian Committee (SOCHUM, UNGA 3rd Committee)
The United Nations Security Council (UNSC)
Crisis Committee (CC)
The United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW)
The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA)
The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
The Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ)
Social, Cultural and Humanitarian Committee (SOCHUM, UNGA 3rd Committee)
The United Nations Security Council (UNSC)
Crisis Committee (CC)
The United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW)

110 Spots


80 Spots


60 Spots


75 Spots


81 Spots


25 Spots


25 Spots


45 Spots


SDG Implementation Mechanisms at National Level


Implementing the Systematic Approach Methods of Anti-Corruption in Education


Access to education and health care in conflict and post-conflict zones


Convention on Illegal Trafficking of firearms


The war against drugs: building a comprehensive response to prevent and eliminate illicit trafficking of drugs


Security and Globalization: Countering Cyber Security Attacks and Establishing Cyber Security Strategy in the Digital Age


The Role of Education and Youth Development in the Empowerment of Girls and Advancement of Women's Leadership in the Global Economy


Jasurbek TursunovProfile Picture

Jasurbek Tursunov
Under-Secretary-General for Specialised Agencies

Alisher SadievProfile Picture

Alisher Sadiev
Deputy Secretary-General

Mekhriniso KhamraevaProfile Picture

Mekhriniso Khamraeva
Head of WIUT International MUN Society

Tolibjon MustafoevProfile Picture

Tolibjon Mustafoev
Secretary General

Fayyozakhon MaksudovaProfile Picture

Fayyozakhon Maksudova
Under-Secretary-General for UNSCW

Safina SharipovaProfile Picture

Safina Sharipova
External Communications Manager

Lee ChangminProfile Picture

Lee Changmin
Under-Secretary-General for UNGA, SOCHUM and UNESCO

Tamara BadalyanProfile Picture

Tamara Badalyan
Under-Secretary-General for Crisis Committee

Doniyorbek OzodbekovProfile Picture

Doniyorbek Ozodbekov
International Delegate Affairs' Manager