SiegMUN 2018 | Siegen 2018-11-14 | 2018-11-14 | mymun


Siegen, Germany

Nov 14 - Nov 17, 2018


200 delegates expected

University Students and School Students



Sep 15, 2018 - Nov 14, 2018

Head Delegates

Sep 15, 2018 - Nov 14, 2018

Faculty Advisor

Sep 15, 2018 - Nov 14, 2018

Honourable Delegates,

It is our pleasure to invite you to SiegMUN 2018! This year’s conference will give you the opportunity to choose one of the four interesting committees which we will be simulating in two different languages: the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC), UN Development Programme (UNDP), Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) in English, and the European Council (Europäischer Rat/ER) in German.

We believe, given the current diplomatic prospects on the global stage, that Model United Nations conferences, and SiegMUN as a beginners’ conference in particular, can provide us with valuable lessons by allowing us to take on a different perspective about crucial topics that concern us all.

In 2018, we witnessed influential Member States pulling out of crucial institutions such as the Paris Agreement and the Human Rights Council, as well as closing their borders and attacking academic freedom. Therefore, topics such as Climate Change, Migration, and the Roles and Rights of Vulnerable Populations, which we will discuss during SiegMUN 2018, are critical for our global sustainable future.

In current political climates, the trend has been to cling towards capitalistic ideals, and a great representation of this is the recent global rise in populism. We hope that during SiegMUN 2018, we will collectively promote the United Nations’ spirit and values, as they are established in the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Justice, Respect and Dignity for all, Equality, Cooperation, and Solidarity.

SiegMUN is a great and humbling way to understand the complexity of global problems. Both of us have significantly benefited from the skills and experiences gained from Model United Nations, and have been able to personally grow by applying the lessons learned towards real world applications.

Dear Delegates, we encourage you all to take this opportunity to change perspectives, to broaden your horizon, and to foster dialogue. We encourage you to listen to and cooperate with one another.

We invite you all to join us for SiegMUN 2018 from November 14th to 17th!


Yours truly,

Laura Carlotta Durando and Cory Gregg



SiegMUN 2018



37 Ratings

SiegMUN 2017



31 Ratings

SiegMUN 2016



72 Ratings

SiegMUN 2015



35 Ratings


United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)
Europäischer Rat (German speaking committee)
United Nations Press Corps
United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)
Europäischer Rat (German speaking committee)
United Nations Press Corps

47 Spots


36 Spots


53 Spots


19 Spots


10 Spots


Preventing and Eliminating Child and Forced Marriage

Protecting the Rights of Migrants and Refugees against Racial Discrimination


Promoting Rule of Law for Human Development

Mitigating and Adapting to the Effects of Climate Change on Developing States


Strengthening the Economic Involvement of Women in Sustainable Development

Combating Extreme Poverty in New Urban Areas


Terrorismusbekämpfung in Europa

Prüfung der Reformvorschläge zum gemeinsamen europäischen Asylsystems


Anne DeckbarProfile Picture

Anne Deckbar
Head of Staff

Ben WrigleyProfile Picture

Ben Wrigley
Senior Advisor

Cory GreggProfile Picture

Cory Gregg
Secretary General

Gerrit PurschProfile Picture

Gerrit Pursch
MUN Siegen Coordinator

Laura Carlotta DurandoProfile Picture

Laura Carlotta Durando
Secretary General

Lena NielingerProfile Picture

Lena Nielinger
Head of Staff

Tyll RöverProfile Picture

Tyll Röver
Head of UN Press Corps