NAMUN 2025 | Toronto 2025-02-20 | 2025-02-20 | mymun


Toronto, Canada

Feb 20 - Feb 22, 2025


380 delegates expected

University Students



Sep 2, 2024 - Jan 20, 2025

Head Delegates

Sep 2, 2024 - Jan 20, 2025

Faculty Advisor

Sep 2, 2024 - Jan 20, 2025

Celebrating 40 Years of History

It is our pleasure to invite you to the 40th edition of the North American Model United Nations is approaching. Established in 1985, NAMUN stands as one of Canada's oldest and most esteemed conferences for university students, gathering hundreds of delegates from across the globe each year at the University of Toronto. This year, NAMUN will take place from February 20-22, 2025.

At NAMUN, we strive for excellence in all aspects of the MUN experience, from our amazing staff to high quality debates and incredible social events. By providing a platform where delegates can showcase their skills, knowledge, and creativity, and by recognizing and rewarding outstanding achievements, we aim to inspire and empower delegates to push beyond their limits, develop their talents, and make a lasting impact on the world.

Registration Timeline: 

Early Bird: September 2, 2024 - October 20, 2024

Regular: October 21, 2024 - December 23, 2024

Late: December 24, 2024 - January 20, 2025 

If you have any issue with processing the payment, please let us know by contacting

About the University of Toronto: 

The University of Toronto is one of Canada's largest and most prestigious universities, with a rich history dating back to 1827. Located in the heart of downtown Toronto, the university is ranked first in Canada and among the top 1% Universities in the world. U of T is known for its academic excellence, research opportunities, and diverse community. With over 70,000 students from around the world, the University of Toronto is a hub of intellectual curiosity and innovation.


NAMUN 2024

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NAMUN 2023

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United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UN Security Council
The Balkan Puzzle: Piecing Together Peace
UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
International Court of Justice
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and World Meteorological Organization
UN Women
Ad Hoc
Heist at the Museum
Festive Foul Play - A Christmas Tragedy
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UN Security Council
The Balkan Puzzle: Piecing Together Peace
UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
International Court of Justice
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and World Meteorological Organization
UN Women
Ad Hoc
Heist at the Museum
Festive Foul Play - A Christmas Tragedy

Mutually Assured Destruction is the principle that prevents nuclear-armed states from using their arsenals. The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) aimed to limit this devastating power to a few na...

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At the dawn of the 20th century, a coalition of Balkan states, united by shared dreams of independence and sovereignty, rose against the Ottoman influence. Serbia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, and Greece ,bo...

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Developing a new fighter jet program is both financially and technically demanding. Currently, fifth-generation aircrafts, such as the F-22 Raptor and F-35, are the most advanced, but their dominance ...

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The Natural History Museum of London is home to 80 million historical artifacts, one of which is Hans Sloane's Nautilus Shell, carved by Johannes Belkien in the 1600s, valued at £13 million. It’s amon...

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‘Twas the night before Christmas, at the Ashton Estate in New York where Lord and Lady Ashton held their annual Christmas Eve dinner. It was traditionally an intimate family gathering, however this ye...

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Rising numbers of displaced persons/refugees in light of climate change & COVID-19

Addressing health, shelter, and education concerns for displaced persons in host nations


Rediscussion of Baruch Plan


The Ottoman Empire

Serbia and Bulgaria

Montenegro and Greece


Digital surveillance and privacy violations



A Sixth-Generation Aircraft Program


USA vs Islamic Republic of Iran (Certain Iranian Assets)

Marshall Island vs India (Nuclear Testing)


The disproportionate impact of climate phenomenon on key industries/infrastructure and global prospects in sustainability and legislation

The question of the Arctic, contested maritime claims and aquatic ecosystem concerns


Suppression of womens’ rights under law and tradition in the Middle East

Child marriage and exploitation (South Asia)





Single Crisis Committee


Joanna NarkiewiczProfile Picture

Joanna Narkiewicz
Director-General of External Affairs

Jasper MaProfile Picture

Jasper Ma

Ridhima SinhaProfile Picture

Ridhima Sinha
External Affairs Coordinator

Vivian DengProfile Picture

Vivian Deng