Update - Taking into consideration the current universal state with regard to the pandemic, it has been decided to change the format of the conference to be online. We strongly believe and are working hard so that the professional, academic, and social level of the conference will be maintained regardless of this new change!
For six years, the Israeli Model United Nations Association (IMUNA) has been hosting international MUN conferences in Israel, which excel through their professionalism, impeccable organization and unforgettable social events.
This year, the IMUNA international conference will once again be hosted by the Hebrew University Model United Nations society (HujiMUN) from the historic city of Jerusalem!
JLMUN 2021 will be leveraging Jerusalem's unique location in the heart of the Middle East as well as its rich history and cultural diversity to offer delegates a one-of-a-kind conference experience!
The theme for JLMUN 2021 is “Presidents and Directors: Leadership in a Complex World”
The word President brings to mind heads of republican states. But presidents are actually the top managers of diverse organizations: associations, commissions, councils, colleges, NGOs, corporations, institutes, companies... Taking inspiration from works by Parag Khanna (How to rule the world), our theme refers to the fact that geopolitics is a game played by diverse private and public stakeholders.
We want to stimulate participants’ sense of leadership and tackle the issue of individual power and responsibility. We will encourage participants to imagine themselves not as mere spokespeople of abstract “delegations” but as real diplomats: complex human beings who must balance the interests of their superiors (be it an employer or a sovereign nation) with their own interests.
* JLMUN is a university/college level conference (ages 18 and above).

Abhiraj Goswami
USG of Academics

Anna Vasileva
USG of Human Resources

Ari Karp
CEO of the IMUNA Association

Autumn Groat
Secretary General

Gila Bluth
Deputy Secretary General

Natalie Raidl
IMUNA Conference Supervisor

Omri Hashmonay
USG of Academics

Samantha Levy
USG of Socials and Ceremonies