"Dare to Listen"
It is my upmost pleasure to welcome you all to the 11th edition of the John Cabot University Model United Nations Conference. Last year, the secreteriat put together the largest event our university has ever seen. This year we aim to continue our sucesses and learn from our mistakes to produce the best JCUMUN edition yet.
The unique challenges and circumstances of this year have not spared us. Our secretariat has not been able to meet in person and this situation has forced us all to adapt and learn throughout this process. One of the themes we will bring into this conference is this idea of adaptability. The ever complicated problems we face today will need clever, flexible and innovative solutions. As such the secretariat is incredibly excited to welcome you all to the eternal city in February.
Buona Fortuna,
Secretary General
Lukas Probst
Important Note - Due to the current Covid-19 situation, all information pertaining to the conference i.e dates, size etc are given without guarantee and are subject to change. The secretariat is doing their best to ensure we can offer you a conference in February, however, we must work with the information we have at the current time.
Partner Conferences

Alessia Vitiello
USG of Logistics

Courtney Smith
Deputy Secretary General

Lukas Probst
Secretary General

Manuela Ramos Barroso
USG of Academics

Matteo Cattina
USG of Marketing

Naomi Villamizar Bedford
USG of Staff
Sabrina Mirizio
USG of Events