FWWMUN - Expo Dubai 2022 | Dubai 2022-03-03 | 2022-03-03 | mymun


Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Mar 3 - Mar 6, 2022


500 delegates expected

University Students and School Students



Dec 10, 2021 - Dec 25, 2021


Dec 10, 2021 - Feb 12, 2022

Head Delegates

Dec 10, 2021 - Feb 12, 2022

Faculty Advisor

Dec 10, 2021 - Feb 12, 2022


Dec 10, 2021 - Feb 12, 2022

The World Is Reopening, So Are We!

In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, the world experienced denial, panic and loss as the virus claimed thousands of lives. But such a global crisis showed us the true strength of humanity: The inherent human belief that there is always light in darkness, that one might always find kindness amid chaos.

Now, as the world gradually reopens and starts again, so does Future We Want and we wish to do so by holding our first post-pandemic in-person conference at the heart of today’s engine of renewal: Dubai, home of EXPO 2020.

Delegates from all over the world will have the opportunity to attend a World-class conference that reflects both our continued support to the Sustainable Development Goals and EXPO 2020’s leitmotifs: “Connecting Minds, Creating the Future”.

FWWMUN at EXPO DUBAI will see University and High School students experiencing first-hand the dynamics of international diplomacy at the highest level while enjoying the scenic setting of Dubai and the electrifying environment of EXPO.


Dubai represents the beating heart of the United Arab Emirates and the Gulf: a city of strong contrasts, where modern charm is intertwined with the arabic tradition. Defined as the golden city of Arabia, the mecca of luxury and architectural avant-garde, Dubai is the home of the largest exhibition site in the world: Expo.

Here, for the first time, representatives from over 192 countries are together to put the motto of this exceptional Universal Exhibition into practice: “Connecting Minds, creating the future”.


FWWMUN @ Dubai wishes to echo EXPO2020’s call for multilateral collaboration in the name of development and innovation, along three lines: sustainability, mobility and opportunity.

Here at FWWMUN, we have developed a premiere knowledge platform to conduct this Model UN conference, workshops, and panels with experienced staff from global institutions to provide you with the skills, knowledge, and the ability to take the necessary action to defeat the global crisis.

FWWMUN@EXPO DUBAI aims to guide participants in developing their critical thinking skills which will further enhance their decision making and public speaking ability. We ensure the youths are able to develop profound knowledge on issues critical to the UN Agenda and can contribute to shaping the future we want.


The world’s reopening offers hope for a semblance of normal life after the long lockdown due to COVID-19, a public health emergency that has claimed thousands of lives and sparked fears. However a global and multilateral response is  still needed to defeat the virus and puts the global economy back on a path to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate agreement. It is with this spirit that FWWMUN proudly introduces the FWWMUN EXPO DUBAI.

Sustainability, for a progress that doesn’t compromise the life and needs of the next generations, highlighting the importance of the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda.

Mobility, a development which is much needed to create new and more efficient connections between people, communities and countries.

Opportunity; we must create new opportunities for a better future and as we do this we will inspire others to do the same.


Regular registration period is from December 1, 2021 to January 15, 2022. Late registration period is from January 16, 2022 to Febraury 1, 2022. All registrations are accepted on a first come, first served basis. Once maximum capacity is reached, delegates will be able to register to be placed on a waitlist. All delegations must submit a full list of delegates and advisors names before February 5th.

The discounted registration fee is 100 USD without accommodation or 550 USD including 4 nights shared accommodation. The participation to the conference includes training material and delegate kit. Please note that the fees are non refundable. registrations include also entry to EXPO and related institutional visits.

The 550 USD registration fee includes 4 nights of shared accommodation in a 4-stars partner hotel.
You may purchase additional nights no later than February 5th at a rate of 230 USD taxes included per room per night up to triple occupancy, directly on MyMUN. The single room is available at an additional cost of 600 USD for the 4 nights. Please note that the accommodation packages are non-refundable.

Only regular registrations are eligible for scholarships at the FWWMUN New York July 2022.

MUN trainings will be available virtually or in UAE prior to the conference.

Accommodation package 1: shared-room option (Including Registration fee)500 EURFee for 4 nights
Accommodation package 2: Single room option (Including Registration fee)1100 EURFee for 4 nights
Accommodation package 3: shared-room without registration fee 400 EURFee for 4 nights
Accommodation package 4: single room option without registration fee 950 EURFee for 4 nights
Accommodation package: additional night in shared-room210 EURFee per night

Conference Schedule & Sessions

Future We Want Model United Nations EXPO DUBAI will be held on March 3rd – 6th, 2022.

Schedule (subject to change). The specific timeline will be provided to registered schools and delegates closer to the conference.

Day 1 – March 3rd
8:00 AM – 1:00 PM     Registration
8.30 AM – 7:00 PM     EXPO Diplomatic Briefings and Visits

Day 2 – March 4th
8:00 AM – 11:00 am   Late Registration
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM    Workshops & Training Session
5:00 PM – 6:30 PM    Opening Ceremony
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM    Committee Session

Day 3 – March 5th
8:30 AM – 1:30 PM     Committee Session
1:30 PM – 2:30 PM     Lunch Break
2:30 PM – 7:30 PM     Committee Session
9:00 PM – 11:45 PM    Delegate Dance

Day 4 – March 6th
8:30 AM – 1:30 PM     Committee Session
1:30 PM – 2:30 PM      Lunch Break
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM     Closing Ceremony

For more inquiries, please contact us info@fwwmun.org


FWWMUN - Expo Dubai 2022



74 Ratings




34 Ratings




61 Ratings


Security Council
Economic and Financial Committee (ECOFIN)
Social, Cultural, and Humanitarian Committee (SOCHUM)
United Nations Environment Assembly
Security Council
Economic and Financial Committee (ECOFIN)
Social, Cultural, and Humanitarian Committee (SOCHUM)
United Nations Environment Assembly

15 Spots


166 Spots


171 Spots


174 Spots


The Effects of Cyberterrorism in the Age of Cryptocurrency


The Impact of Pandemics on Manufacturing, Production, and Trade & Post-Pandemic Recovery


Human Displacement & Climate Crisis


Investing in innovative environmental solutions for accelerating the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals