Who runs the world? Towards inclusivity
Come to the conference in Germany's UN-City!
At BIMUN/SINUB 2022 we will be asking: Who indeed? And who else should?
In a present that leaves us doubtful about the future, the November conference will explore what (and in particular: who) it takes to create a world for everyone.
From security politics and human rights to future labor markets, debates will offer new perspectives on international relations and its role in our path towards inclusivity.
You don't feel comfortable debating in English? No problem: In our Trilingual Committee you can debate in English, French and Spanish - everything will be interpreted by our special interpreter team
You are interested? Please fill out the Delegation form to apply as a Delegate: https://www.cognitoforms.com/BIMUNSINUBEV3/WhoRunsTheWorldTowardsInclusivityDelegateApplication2022secondWave
If you have any questions or want to apply as a delegation, please write info@bimun.org
Partner Conferences

Maria MĂĽller

Maya Zaki