BIMUNSINUB 2014 | Bonn 2014-12-07 | 2014-12-07 | mymun


Bonn, Germany

Dec 7 - Dec 11, 2014

200 delegates expected

University Students



Jun 1, 2014 - Jul 15, 2014


Jul 15, 2014 - Sep 15, 2014

Cultural Conflicts - Building Bridges through Diplomacy

BIMUN/SINUB is one of Europe’s most illustrious and international MUN conferences, held in the gorgeous city of Bonn - Germany' official United Nations city! The scene is set for a very special week surrounded by the history and beauty of the Rhineland and the venue for the conference is none other than the World Conference Centre Bonn, the former seat of the German parliament, located right beside the Rhine and next to the UN Campus. We are looking forward to a great conference with many talented, international and ambitious participants who will make the most out of this wonderful opportunity and ensure that BIMUN/SINUB 2014 is the best conference yet! We also provide the opportunity to show off your language skills in French and/or Spanish through our innovative trilingual Human Rights Council! BIMUN/SINUB est ravi d'annoncer que il y aura aussi un comité français qui simulera OTAN. Ne perdez pas cet occasion!
