Forming the ambassadors of tomorrow.
We want to apologize for any inconvenience we may caused. Thank you for your interest.
We hope to be able to let it take place sometime soon.
Again, we are deeply sorry.
We want to keep YAMUN as accessible as possible and therefore have a low participation fee. That also means we don't have the financial ressources to advertise YAMUN. Therefore it would be deeply appreciated if you could advertise our MUN to your friends and classmates to make this a memorable experience for all.
The International Young Ambassadors Model United Nations is a 2-day conference held on 3-4 Dec from 10 AM-4 PM GMT+0. It is an international online MUN that brings together incoming ambassadors and diplomats. As Old-MUNers ourselves, the chair invites you to an online experience that will teach you more about international politics and will strengthen your abilities to move within the boarders of diplomacy. Young Ambassador Model United Nations invites enterprising and hardworking students that aim to make a change in the world.
Awards for each committee will be as followed, ranked from the most prestigious:
- 1x Best Delegate
- 1x Outstanding Delegate
- 3x Honourable Mention
- 1x Best Resolution
If there are any questions, contact us here:
- Email:
- Instagram: youngambassadorsmun (only set up recently, so we would be very happy about a follow if you are interested in updates and helpful tips)