VICMUN Austria 2024 | Vienna 2024-08-05 | 2024-08-05 | mymun


Vienna, Austria

Aug 5 - Aug 9, 2024


80 delegates expected

University Students and School Students



Jun 20, 2024 - Jul 27, 2024


Jun 20, 2024 - Jul 27, 2024

Head Delegates

Jun 20, 2024 - Jul 27, 2024

Faculty Advisor

Jun 20, 2024 - Jul 27, 2024


Jul 23, 2024 - Jul 31, 2024

Step into the shoes of a diplomat!

ÖGAVN/UNA-Austria (United Nations Association of Austria) in cooperation with YUNA-Austria (Young United Nations Association - Austria) kindly welcomes you to VICMUN, which takes place from August 5 to 9, 2024 at the Vienna International Centre. 


What are your personal benefits? 

You will practice your negotiation and rethoric skills, learn more about the history, culture and politics of other countries, meet new friends from around the world, meet experts from the Vienna-based UN organizations, get an insight into the work of the UN headquarters at Vienna and meet people from other UN associations, universities and schools around the world.


Programme Schedule:


Sunday, August 4:

  • Individual arrival, Reception & Conference Registration (02:00 PM - 05:30 PM), you can come anytime during the timeframe 

Please bring your passport for the registration.


Clubrooms of UNA-Austria (Hofburg/Stallburg - Imperial Palace Vienna)

Reitschulgasse 2/2nd floor, 1010 Vienna, Austria

(The entrance is a small brown wooden door under the arcades of Stallburg in Reitschulgasse, close to the corner Bräunerstraße / Reitschulgasse. We are in the 2nd floor (right side), where you will find a blue shoe mat with the UN logo.)

  • Guided Tour through the first district of Vienna (starting time 03:00  PM, 04:00 PM and 05:00 PM)
  • Welcome Dinner and Reception (06:00 PM) - Invitation by UNA-Austria


Monday, August 5:

  • Registration & Security Screening at the Vienna International Centre (08:00 AM - 09:30 AM)

Please bring your passport especially for the Security Check / Issuing of the UN-badge (but generally everyday of the conference).


Vienna International Centre 

Wagramerstraße 5, 1220 Vienna, Austria

Meeting point:

Metro station U1 “Kaisermühlen/Vienna International Centre” (in direction of travel "Leopoldau" at the front entrance, downstairs inside the metro building). You will be accompanied inside the UN-building in groups by VICMUN staff members. Please meet our staff at the metro station! We will then walk together as a group to the United Nations. You can NOT enter the UN on your own. 

  • Opening Ceremony & Committee Sessions (09:30 AM - approx. 4:00 PM) with lunch break (individual lunch)
  • Departure from the United Nations to the Heuriger (04:30 PM) - Please buy your own public transport ticket
  • Dinner at Heuriger Feuerwehr Wagner (06:00 PM - approx. 08:30 PM) - Invitation by the City of Vienna


Tuesday, August 6:

  • Committee Sessions (09:00 AM - approx. 04:00 PM) with lunch break (individual lunch)
  • BBQ @ Danube River, only if no rain or danger of forest fire - otherwise picnic @ Danube River  (05:00 PM) - Invitation by UNA-Austria 


Wednesday, August 7:

  • Committee Sessions (09:00 AM - approx. 05:00 PM) with lunch break (individual lunch)
  • United Nations Quiz Night & Cultural Photo Challenge Vienna at the Imperial Palace Vienna (Hofburg/Stallburg) - Clubrooms of UNA-Austria (06:00 PM)


Thursday, August 8:

  • Committee Sessions (09:00 AM - approx. 05:00 PM) with lunch break (individual lunch)
  • Reception in the Imperial Palace Vienna (Hofburg/Stallburg) - Clubrooms of UNA-Austria, Drinks only (06:00 PM)
  • Meeting with the Austrian UN Youth Delegate Markus Wane


Friday, August 9:

  • Closing Ceremony (09:00 AM - 01:00 PM)


No chair fee.


The participation fee includes conference fee and organizational costs, Welcome Dinner, Evening Reception / further meal. 


If a Visa is required: Please send a copy of your passport to and we will issue a Letter of Invitation. 


Participants have to arrange travel and accommodation individually. Unfortunately we cannot offer any financial support.


International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
Security Council
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
Security Council
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)



181 Spots




196 Spots




15 Spots




167 Spots


Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy


Global Anti-Corruption Efforts


Addressing the Threat of Non-State Terrorist Groups


Addressing (Marine) Plastic Pollution

Partner Conferences

MV-MUN Wien 2024Logo
MV-MUN Wien 2024

Vienna, Austria


Bernd HermannProfile Picture

Bernd Hermann
Bernd Hermann