UNISCA 2024 | Amsterdam 2024-07-01 | 2024-07-01 | mymun


Amsterdam, Netherlands

Jul 1 - Jul 10, 2024

100 delegates expected

University Students

UNISCA is an academic MUN conference organised in Amsterdam as part of the University of Amsterdam Summer School Programme. In addition to being a regular Model United Nations simulation, it is also a university course, for which students in the Netherlands can obtain 6 European Credits (ECTS). The conference consists of a lecture week and information sessions, and a conference simulation week. Students will be able to gain valuable knowledge from esteemed speakers, learn about the rules of procedure, familiarise themselves with literature relevant to the committee topics and later test their knowledge and skills in full-fledged UN style committee debates.

More information about applications will be available soon, make sure you follow our social media @unisca.official, and stay up to date with all important information!


United Nations Security Council
United Nations Human Rights Council
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
United Nations Security Council
United Nations Human Rights Council
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

15 Spots


15 Spots


17 Spots


Cyber Space, Countering Online Recruitment by Terrorist Organizations.

Cooperation in the Arctic: Balancing Trade-related resource conflicts with sustainable development.

Mitigating the aggravation of food crises through supply chain disruptions.


Surrogacy: Safeguarding Children’s rights from exploitation and child sale in connection to commercial surrogacy

Fishing in the South African Sea: Addressing local communities’ rights at the sight of international fish trade

Establishing non-discriminatory labour practices in Chinese factory work.


Preventing Human Trafficking during Immigration

Countering Online Abuse and Exploitation of Children

Guidelines for Providing HIV Prevention, Treatment and Care Services in Prisons
