UC3MUN 2019 | Getafe, Madrid 2019-02-26 | 2019-02-26 | mymun


Getafe, Madrid, Spain

Feb 26 - Mar 1, 2019


700 delegates expected

University Students



Dec 17, 2018 - Feb 22, 2019

Head Delegates

Jan 3, 2019 - Feb 15, 2019

Faculty Advisor

Jan 3, 2019 - Feb 15, 2019

The most representative project from all those run by ANUDI is the University Carlos III Model United Nations (UC3MUN), which is organized in March every year. This is a simulation of the principal organs of the United Nations where through different techniques of discussion and negotiation, our delegates can represent the official position of the 192 UN member countries.

The UC3MUN is open to any college student who wants to walk in the shoes of a diplomat for a few days. Our committees are classified according to the experience and language of participants, so that nobody is left out. We have committees designed for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels, created with the aim of achieving the level of expertise of the members of each committee is as homogeneous as possible and that discussions are fluid. In addition, there are committees in both Spanish and English, as we do not want language to be a barrier for any of the participants.

UC3MUN is the most multicultural MUN in Spain, this year is the eight edition of the conference and we hope you can be part of this great experience! 


UC3MUN 2019



By linking previous editions of your conference you show people how well they were rated!


Asamblea General - Beginner - Language of the Committee: Spanish
Human Rights Council - Beginner - Language of the Committee: English
UNESCO - Beginner - Language of the Committee: Spanish
UN Women - Beginner - Language of the Committee: English
ECOSOC - Beginner - Language of the Committee: English
OIT - Intermediate - Language of the Committee: Spanish
European Parliament - Intermediate - English
DISEC - Intermediate - Language of the Committee: English
COPUOS - Intermediate - Language of the Committee: Spanish
Historical Security Council - Advanced - Language of the Committee: English
OTAN - Advanced - Language of the Committee: Spanish
Los Juegos del Hambre - Special - Language of the Committee: Spanish
Asamblea General - Beginner - Language of the Committee: Spanish
Human Rights Council - Beginner - Language of the Committee: English
UNESCO - Beginner - Language of the Committee: Spanish
UN Women - Beginner - Language of the Committee: English
ECOSOC - Beginner - Language of the Committee: English
OIT - Intermediate - Language of the Committee: Spanish
European Parliament - Intermediate - English
DISEC - Intermediate - Language of the Committee: English
COPUOS - Intermediate - Language of the Committee: Spanish
Historical Security Council - Advanced - Language of the Committee: English
OTAN - Advanced - Language of the Committee: Spanish
Los Juegos del Hambre - Special - Language of the Committee: Spanish

102 Spots


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28 Spots


Efectos de la crisis migratoria global en los países de origen

Revisión del estatus de los Estados no miembros de las Naciones Unidas


Political refugees, stateless persons and their status in the current global situation.

Prisoners rights and the condition of the prisons.


El uso de la educación para la prevención del extremismo violento.

Las prácticas culturales contrarias a los Derechos Humanos.


Women in journalism: threats and challenges.

Gender perspective in family planning policies.


Ensuring food security in conflict zones

Economic repercussions of mass migration for destination countries


Derechos de los migrantes laborales.

Nuevas formas de esclavitud.


The regulation and protection of personal data and cyber communication in the EU.

Application of sanctions against Hungary for violating EU values.


The dangers of Artificial Intelligence in the development of modern weapons

The proliferation of chemical and biological weapons by non-state actors


El papel del uso pacífico del espacio en la consecución de los ODS.

Soberanía y futura habitabilidad de los cuerpos celestes.


1974 Turkish invasion of Cyprus


Reformas estructurales a la Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte en el marco del nuevo contexto geopolítico mundial.
