Summit 2017 | Prague 2017-04-07 | 2017-04-07 | mymun


Prague, Czech Republic

Apr 7 - Apr 10, 2017

350 delegates expected

University Students and School Students


Prague Student Summit is a year-round educational project for more than 300 high school and university students from all parts of the Czech Republic and Central Europe with 20 years’ history, organized by the Association for International Affairs.

Prague Student Summit’s main educational method is the simulation of the activities of international organizations (UN, EU, NATO, OSCE). Throughout the year, the participants familiarize themselves with the situation and life in their country and with the positions of the state to various global issues. At the end of the year, the students gathered at the conference then propose solutions to the problems that the real international organizations deal with and they also try to carry through what the ambassador of their state would actually strive for.
