SMUN 2018 | Delhi 2018-01-26 | 2018-01-26 | mymun


Delhi, India

Jan 26 - Jan 28, 2018

350 delegates expected

University Students and School Students


The Planning Forum, St. Stephen's College is proud to announce the tenth Stephen’s Model United Nations conference which promises to be a great forum to learn and appreciate the nuances of transnational advocacy. The St. Stephen's MUN is a conference which is interactive, demanding, and educational.The wide range of simulations at the conference will foster the ability of participants to negotiate, understand and appreciate the underlying dynamics of an inter-connected world. With an interesting line up of committees, combined with a qualified Executive Board, delegates will be introduced to relatively unexplored political, socio-economic and legal frameworks of governance. The conference will be held from the 26th to 28th of January, 2018, at St. Stephen’s College, Delhi.
