SHUMUN 2018 | South Orange, New Jersey 2018-03-24 | 2018-03-24 | mymun


South Orange, New Jersey, United States

Mar 24 - Mar 25, 2018

200 delegates expected

School Students

Seton Hall University is proud to present to you SHUMUN XIX. We have a dedicated staff who are all committed to making this years conference the best yet. The date for this year has been set for March 24th and 25th 2018. Please visit our website to register.

Also follow us on Facebook at @SHUMUNConference and follow our Instagram @shumun_conference for all things SHUMUN!

Please contact us if you have any questions at our email, I look forward to being your Secretary-General for SHUMUN XIX. Thank you.

Your Secretary-General, Jenna Leis
