SCIMUN 2017 | Shenzhen 2017-03-16 | 2017-03-16 | mymun


Shenzhen, China

Mar 16 - Mar 18, 2017

150 delegates expected

School Students



Under the leadership of Mark Shen, as Secretary General of SCIMUN 2016, his cabinet, and their advisor, Kyle Mims, the first SCIMUN conference was able to host delegates from schools across China. It was held in the Shekou Nanhai Hilton and lasted for three days. It included the committees: Security Council, Disarmament, Human Rights, Economic/Social/Health; along with a congregate General Assembly on the final conference day. The first SCIMUN conference required exruciating planning and dedication and was considered to be a phenomenal success at the end of the event. SCIMUN 2016's overarching theme was 'sustainability' and this is where SCIMUN was declared to be paper-free. SCIMUN 2017 strives to uphold and even further the integrity and quality of our first conference.
