SANMUN 2019 | Santander 2019-03-01 | 2019-03-01 | mymun


Santander, Spain

Mar 1 - Mar 3, 2019


120 delegates expected

University Students and School Students



Nov 28, 2018 - Dec 10, 2018


Dec 9, 2018 - Feb 16, 2019

Head Delegates

Dec 9, 2018 - Feb 5, 2019

Faculty Advisor

Dec 9, 2018 - Feb 5, 2019

Welcome to SANMUN 2019,

SANMUN consists on a three-day Model United Nations conference open to curious students 16+ from all over the world which will take place from the 1st to 3rd of March, 2019.

Held in the northern Spanish city of Santander, it offers its participants a unique location by the Atlantic ocean, surrounded by  mountains, to exchange ideas and reach an international consensus with many other members of the MUN community.

SANMUN 2019 offers its attendants an interconnected conference under the general theme of: “Migrations from a global perspective divided in: economic, global politics and European law”The analysis of this topic will be discussed in three committees: Council of the European Union, Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and the Security Council.

The Security Council debate will be held in English and its topic is: “Countering migrant smuggling in international waters of the Libyan coast”. This committee is recommended for delegates with previous experience in other MUN conferences. 

The Council of the EU debate will be held in English and its topic is. “The Reform of the FRONTEX legislation: towards its reinforcement and new areas of control or its weakening? This Committee is recommended for University Students.

The ECOSOC debate will be held in English, and its topic is “How to maximize the economic and developmental impacts of migration in Africa”

This Committee is recommended for students studying in high school grades or higher.

For more information, you can check our website, Instagram or Facebook. 

We hope to see you all.






By linking previous editions of your conference you show people how well they were rated!


Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
Security Council
Council of the European Union
Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
Security Council
Council of the European Union

141 Spots


15 Spots


30 Spots


How to maximize the economic and developmental impacts of migration in Africa


Countering migrant smuggling in international waters of the Libyan coast


Reform of the FRONTEX legislation: towards its reinforcement and new areas of control or its weakening?


Monica HerreraProfile Picture

Monica Herrera
Director for Communications

Viktoria SchuckProfile Picture

Viktoria Schuck
Co-Director for Logistics

Juan Nieves SalcedaProfile Picture

Juan Nieves Salceda
Director for Finances

Bárbara Pizarro PradoProfile Picture

Bárbara Pizarro Prado
Director for Policy

Ana Rodríguez ÁvilaProfile Picture

Ana Rodríguez Ávila
Co-Director for Logistics

Ana González-LamuñoProfile Picture

Ana González-Lamuño
Secretary General

Susana Herrera AguileraProfile Picture

Susana Herrera Aguilera
Director General