RIMUN 2022 | Reims 2022-04-08 | 2022-04-08 | mymun


Reims, France

Apr 8 - Apr 10, 2022


350 delegates expected

University Students and School Students



Dec 4, 2021 - Jan 16, 2022


Dec 4, 2021 - Apr 6, 2022

Head Delegates

Dec 4, 2021 - Apr 3, 2022

Faculty Advisor

Nov 30, 2021 - Apr 3, 2022

Home | Sciences Po

It is with great pleasure that the team of the Reims International Model United Nations invites you to our 11th annual conference: RIMUN 2022.

 From April 8th to the 10th, 2022, more than 350 university and high school students will gather on the Reims campus of Sciences Po Paris (1 Place Museux, Reims 51100) to debate, negotiate, and solve pressing global issues.

 Sciences Po Paris Reims campus, host of Euro-American and Euro-African studies, is part of the network of French schools of excellence, which ranks 2nd in the QS 2021 ranking in "Political Science and International Relations". In view of this ecosystem, it is our ambition to participate in establishing the MUN culture on French territory.

 Our 3-day conference will present an exciting and innovative model of the United Nations with English or French committees for all levels of expertise, from beginner to advanced, under the central theme "Shifting the spotlights: amplifying your voices". In these times of increasing polarization, our hope is that RIMUN22 committee topics will touch the delegates’ interests to unite them in pushing forward any subjugated opinions and struggles, even though controversial, to figure out issues at core, while collaborating with each other to solve contemporary transnational challenges.

 On Friday the 8th, the RIMUN opening ceremony will be held in a landmark of Reims: the saloons of the town hall. Over the past 10 years, RIMUN’s opening ceremony has hosted guest speakers such as Mrs. Isabelle Hudson, Ambassador of Canada to France, or Mr. Jean-Maurice Ripert, former French Ambassador to Russia and China, as well as diplomats and foreign affairs experts from around the world. This year will be no exception. In addition to diplomats, this 11th edition will be honored by the presence of the Interim Director of the Sciences Po Reims Campus Crystal Cordell Paris, but also of RĂ©my Tirouttouvarayane, a highly experienced French Diplomat who is currently a Conseiller at the Parlement EuropĂ©en. After the ceremony, our participants are treated to a cocktail of Reims' special sparkling wine: champagne.

 The conference will also include a gala at Pommery Champagne House on the night of Saturday the 9th. In addition to the exceptional academic experience, RIMUN promises an overall experience driven by building friendships and networking while partying as queens and kings.


If you would like to learn more about our previous MUNs and learn more about our committees and topics this year, please visit our website at rimun.net or our Facebook Ray Moon and Instagram @rimun.reims.

 For any inquiries about attending the conference, please feel free to contact our team at delegations.rimun@sciencespo.fr.

For general inquiries please contact: rimun.reims@sciencespo.fr

We look forward to welcoming you to Reims in April!


Diplomatically yours, 

The RIMUN team.

RIMUN Champagne Logo.png


RIMUN 2022



85 Ratings

By linking previous editions of your conference you show people how well they were rated!


United Nations Entity for Gender Equality (UNWOMEN) - Beginner
World Health Organization (WHO) - Beginner
Human Rights Council - Intermediate
Crisis Committee - Intermediate
United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) - Intermediate
United Nations Security Council (UNSC) - Advanced
Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) - Advanced
Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'Éducation, la Science et la Culture) UNESCO - Débutant
Office des Nations Unies contre la Drogue et le Crime (ONUDC) - DĂ©butant
Comité de Crise - Intermédiaire
L'Assemblée Constitutionnelle - Intermédiaire
Commission du Désarmement de l'Organisation des Nations Unies (CDONU) - Intermédiaire
Conseil de Sécurité des Nations Unies - Avancé
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality (UNWOMEN) - Beginner
World Health Organization (WHO) - Beginner
Human Rights Council - Intermediate
Crisis Committee - Intermediate
United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) - Intermediate
United Nations Security Council (UNSC) - Advanced
Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) - Advanced
Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'Éducation, la Science et la Culture) UNESCO - Débutant
Office des Nations Unies contre la Drogue et le Crime (ONUDC) - DĂ©butant
Comité de Crise - Intermédiaire
L'Assemblée Constitutionnelle - Intermédiaire
Commission du Désarmement de l'Organisation des Nations Unies (CDONU) - Intermédiaire
Conseil de Sécurité des Nations Unies - Avancé

25 Spots


25 Spots


30 Spots


26 Spots


30 Spots


25 Spots


15 Spots


25 Spots


25 Spots


30 Spots


25 Spots


24 Spots


25 Spots


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