Rotaract Global Model United Nations (RGMUN) provides a platform where young professionals, university students, youths with a passion for change, Rotaractors and Rotarians, the world over, can share their voice on global issues.
Every year, the decision-making process is lead in a different country and RotaractMUN is organized by a different Rotaract Club. Since 2013, there have been successful editions of RotaractMUN in Romania, United Kingdom, Serbia, USA (at the UN HQ), Bulgaria, Lebanon, India, Mexico, Turkey, Nepal and Italy.
This year the RGMUN will be held in Varna, the Sea Capital of Bulgaria. You can join us for one of the following three committees:
Security Council - Rising tensions in the Asia-Pacific region
General Assembly - Ethical considerations in the development and deployment of emerging technologies
World Health Assembly - Ensuring Global Health: Preventing Future Pandemics via Оne Health Approach
Are you ready to dive into the world of diplomacy and discover one of the most beautiful cities on the Black Sea? As you tackle global issues, we have prepared for you a schedule full of stunning beaches, vibrant nightlife, and fascinating archaeological sites.
Can't wait, right? Join us in Varna!