Dear UN Societies and MUNers,
We would hereby like to proudly invite you to our annual Queen Mary Model United Nations Conference of the academic year 2023/2024. QMUN 2024 is taking place on the 27-28th of January, 2024, at Queen Mary, University of London.
The conference welcomes delegates of all experience levels; whether they are beginners, intermediaries, or much more experienced, our committees are tailored to group like-levelled individuals together. While our advanced committees will give the seasoned delegates the intensity they require, our beginner committees will provide the newer delegates with lots of support and practice before attending more competitive conferences later in the semester, such as LIMUN.
Please keep in mind that in order for everyone to have the best conference experience possible, delegates are barred from applying to represent the country they are from. If you decide to put your home country as your preference, we will assign you an alternative country.
Feel free to contact us via email or on our Instagram account @qmunsoc for any and all enquiries! We look forward to welcoming you all in January!

Heidi Cheng
USG Delegate Affairs

Jewel Wang Chen
Deputy Secretary General

Mohammed Sheikh
Secretary General

Nilton Aranda Neto
USG Academics & Chairing