Welcome to the first ever Prus High Model United Nations!
We are more than pleased to announce the first-ever Prus High Model United Nations! It will take place between the 22nd and 24th of March 2024 in Warsaw.
The conference guarantees you unforgettable memories, many vivid discussions, and magnificent debates. It is also a wonderful occasion to make lifelong friends.
Contact: prusmun@gmail.com
Instagram: @prusmun2024
We cannot wait to see you at PRUSMUN!
*You have to be at least 14 to apply for the conference
*DELEGATE FEE - 240 PLN / Please only pay after being accepted to the conference! - DEADLINE for payments (whichever is sooner): 1 week after being accepted or 10.03.2024 After that time, all unpaid applications will be automatically rejected!
By linking previous editions of your conference you show people how well they were rated!
Partner Conferences
Aleksander Ziajowski
Secretary General
Anastasiia Verbitska
Head of Public Relations
Hanna FarbiĆ
Head of Finance
Hanna Morawska
Head of Design
Igor WiĆniewski
Co Head of Delegate Service
Julian Stelmasiak
Co Head of Pages
Kalina Marfiak Kowalski
Head of Logistics
Martyna Jurczak
Head of Marketing
MichaĆ JÄdrzejowski
President of the General Assembly
Mori ĆÄgiewicz
Co Head of Pages
Natan Biela
Co Head of Delegate Service