PPMUN 2024 | Toronto 2024-03-09 | 2024-03-09 | mymun



Mar 9 - Mar 10, 2024

350 delegates expected

University Students and School Students



Jan 1, 2024 - Mar 11, 2024


Jan 1, 2024 - Mar 9, 2024

Head Delegates

Jan 1, 2024 - Mar 9, 2024

Faculty Advisor

Jan 1, 2024 - Mar 9, 2024


Jan 1, 2024 - Mar 9, 2024

Empowering Voices, Shaping Tomorrow: Uniting for Global Change

The Peace and Progress Model United Nations Conference (PPMUN) is a dynamic and engaging simulation of the United Nations, designed to provide students with a deeper understanding of current world issues through diplomatic debate and negotiation. The conference aims to foster global awareness, encourage critical thinking, and develop skills in public speaking, problem-solving, and leadership.

Conference Theme: "Navigating Complex Global Challenges: Towards Sustainable Solutions"

Key Features:

Committees and Topics: PPMUN features a variety of committees, each focusing on different global issues. These include the Security Council addressing international security and peacekeeping, the World Health Organization focusing on global health crises, and the Economic and Social Council debating economic and social development issues. Each committee will present delegates with real-world challenges, requiring comprehensive and collaborative solutions.

Delegate Roles: Participants will assume the roles of various countries. They will research their assigned country's position, engage in debates, and draft resolutions. The aim is to understand the intricacies of international relations and the art of diplomacy.

Resolution Presentation and Awards: The conference will culminate in a formal presentation of resolutions. Outstanding delegates and committees will be recognized with awards for their diplomacy, research, and problem-solving skills.

Conclusion: The PPMUN offers a unique platform for young minds to engage with global issues, develop essential skills, and become part of a community committed to making a positive impact on the world stage.


PPMUN 2024

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By linking previous editions of your conference you show people how well they were rated!


Security Council - Trade of Weapons to Non-State Actors
Human Rights Council - Committee on Indigenous Peoples' Rights
High Commissioner for Refugees - Women's Rights in Conflict Zones
World Health Organization - Ethical Implications of Genetic Engineering and Regulation
Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice - Combating Human Trafficking in the Digital Era
Security Council - Regulating Autonomous Weapons Systems (AWS)
International Civil Aviation Organization - Aviation and Geopolitics
Security Council - Trade of Weapons to Non-State Actors
Human Rights Council - Committee on Indigenous Peoples' Rights
High Commissioner for Refugees - Women's Rights in Conflict Zones
World Health Organization - Ethical Implications of Genetic Engineering and Regulation
Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice - Combating Human Trafficking in the Digital Era
Security Council - Regulating Autonomous Weapons Systems (AWS)
International Civil Aviation Organization - Aviation and Geopolitics



15 Spots


47 Spots


107 Spots


195 Spots


40 Spots




15 Spots


37 Spots


The Security Council Committee on the Trade of Weapons to Non-State Actors is a critical and high-stakes platform that addresses the multifaceted challenges posed by the transfer and proliferation of ...

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The Committee on Indigenous Peoples' Rights at the Peace and Progress Model United Nations is dedicated to addressing the critical and often overlooked issues facing indigenous communities worldwide. ...

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The primary objective of this committee is to highlight the plight of women in conflict zones, advocate for their rights, and propose effective strategies to protect and empower them. The committee ai...

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The committee on the Ethical Implications of Genetic Engineering and Regulation delves into the rapidly evolving field of genetic engineering, examining the myriad ethical, social, and legal challenge...

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The committee on Combating Human Trafficking in the Digital Era is dedicated to addressing the escalating challenge of human trafficking in the context of modern technology. With the advent of the dig...

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Overview The committee on Regulating Autonomous Weapons Systems (AWS) is established to address the burgeoning challenges and ethical implications associated with the development and deployment of aut...

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Committee Description: Aviation and Geopolitics Overview The committee on Aviation and Geopolitics focuses on the intricate interplay between the aviation industry and global geopolitical dynamics. A...

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Controlling Illicit Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) Trafficking to Non-State Actors

Regulation of Advanced Conventional Weapons Trade with Non-State Military Groups

Impact and Regulation of Cyber-weaponry in the Hands of Non-State Actors


Land Rights and Resource Management

Cultural Preservation and Language Revitalization

Political Representation and Participation


Protection Against Gender-Based Violence

Access to Healthcare and Education

Women's Political Participation and Leadership


Gene Editing and Human Rights

Regulation of 'Designer Babies'

Genetic Data Privacy and Ownership


Online Platforms and Recruitment Tactics

Cybersecurity Measures Against Trafficking Networks

Victim Support and Digital Footprints


Defining Human Control in AWS Operations

Accountability for AWS Malfunctions and Misuse

Preventive Measures Against AWS Proliferation


Airspace Sovereignty and International Conflicts

Standardization of Aviation Metrics

Sanctions and Diplomatic Relations on Aviation

Partner Conferences

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Toronto, Canada

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