Diplomacy in the times of beer and kebab
Have you ever considered discussing rising global issues, while drinking cold beer and eating delicious kebab? On PinczMUN 2024 it will be possible! Cold beer, delicious kebab and magnificent city of Pińczów - Apply!
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Pińczów Model United Nations https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090291825224
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Partner Conferences
Michał Kryński
President of the General Assembly
Kalina Inorowicz
Igor Bogacz
Secretary General
Antoni Opaliński
President of the General Assembly
Zofia Dąbrowska
Minister of Pincz Propaganda
Wojciech Buczyński
Medication supplier
Maksymilian Idzik
Emil Kacperek
USG for Beer Services
Jan Miciałkiewicz
USG for Conference Materials
Ignacy Krawczyk
Ignacy Krawczyk
Andrzej Chocholak
USG Andrzej
Agnieszka Cegieła
USG Artysta z ASP