Building Futures
The sign-up period has ended. Contact
At Oak House School, we regard oracy, and the ability to debate as one of the key skills of a confident,
competent student, which is why we take care to foster this skill in our wider community.
We are writing to extend an invitation to OAKMUN, the sixth edition of a Model United Nations event that we
hold annually in Oak House as part of our debating program.
This year, OAKMUN will be held on Wednesday 12th – Thursday 13th of February 2025. Throughout the
years that we have been running this event, each year confirms our conviction that OAKMUN helps to create
passionate, inquisitive, and persuasive debaters, who can work together to achieve a common goal, which
is why we are looking forward to welcoming both existing and new schools to take part. Potentially, we would also be able to offer home-stay accommodation for students traveling from outside Barcelona. The event
price of 75€ per student includes admission, all breakfasts, snacks, lunches, a social event on the first day,
and the stationery.
Whilst MUNs are traditionally celebrated in historic venues with large committees, we take pride at Oak House
in offering an alternative: smaller committees of no more than 25 delegates, where delegates will be called
upon to use their voices in a risk-free environment, taking place in our state-of-the-art campus buildings. This
means students feel both inspired and supported to push themselves out of their comfort zone, and really
grow from the experience. In this way, the conference can prepare them for the larger international MUNs
they might attend.
Each of the seven committees will focus on one topic, rather than the traditional two, so that expert debaters
can deepen and extend their resolutions, and so beginners don’t feel overwhelmed. Committees in both
Spanish and English are offered to increase accessibility. This year, we have also introduced an overarching
theme which will encompass all committees and their respective topics: Freedom from Fear. This theme will
address issues related to personal freedoms, safety—in digital, regional, international, and historical
contexts—, privacy, and expression. Unifying the separate committees in this way will help your debaters
work alongside each other in preparing for OAKMUN and will make the event a more cohesive and focused
experience. The committees and topics, as well as more event information, are available here. In December,
we’ll be publishing the research guides for each topic.
To contact the executive committee for more information, please email
Once you have registered your interest, we will send you the specific inscription forms and documents.
Suitable for ages 14-18.