NNMUN 2024 | Napoli 2024-11-07 | 2024-11-07 | mymun


Napoli, Italy

Nov 7 - Nov 10, 2024


150 delegates expected

University Students



Jan 31, 2024 - Sep 15, 2024


Jan 31, 2024 - Sep 15, 2024

Head Delegates

Jan 31, 2024 - Sep 15, 2024

Faculty Advisor

Jan 31, 2024 - Sep 15, 2024

Be the change you want to see in the world

In the Association Giovani Campani nel Mondo ’s history are bonded the hopes and expectations about the future of the most part of the young people who attend University.

The Campania’s Region, in the South of Italy, has a lot of UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites and represent one of the best places to handle the wonders of the nature and biodiversity.

Naples, Pompeii, Capri, the Reggia of Caserta, the Sorrento's coast, are some of the most relevant tourist sites in the world, where the history tells about the Kings and Queens life, that can be visited at a maximum of one hour from the Hotels and Conference venues.

A few weeks ago, CNN has considered Naples one of the best destinations for 2022, talking about the island of Procida as the Culture Capital of the year, and the chance to live a unique experience here. In the 1224 Federico II, the Prince of the Kingdom of Sweden and Sicily, gave birth in Naples at the first public University of the world starting with a law school.

The philosopher Piovani, Professor at Federico II said: “You cannot expect the University provides a universality of knowledge that the surrounding culture does not possess.”

At the moment, Federico II University has near to 90.000 students enrolled, managing every day the needs of the people as in the Hospital, as in the classrooms, sending the best researcher in Africa to eliminate the risk of EBOLA virus contamination and leads the systems to prevent the earthquakes at global level.

Recently, Apple has established the first Academy for developers of Europe in Naples.

In this fabulous country we have studied, worked, and dreamed for a new opportunity, a life changer event that can be very essential for the young people who want to build the future ground to live in peace and prosperity.

For ten years our Association has worked so hard during every MUN Conference to find the brighter minds in our universities to reach the goal of promoting future leaders.

Actually, we know how to build a team skilled to organize a Conference, to study the United Nations’s agenda, to be creative with the topics, and to invite every student around the world at the first Model United Nations in Naples who wants to discuss on the future of the hearth.

The people of our country can be so proud to accommodate the Delegates during the event and should be very available when the delegates are on cultural visit, making a great Conference service.


Environment Assembly
Commission on the status of women
Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
Environment Assembly
Commission on the status of women
Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice



195 Spots




44 Spots




40 Spots


Promoting renewable energy sources and reducing reliance on fossil fuels

Encouraging sustainable agriculture and food production methods


Achieving gender equality in leadership and decision-making positions

Promoting economic empowerment and entrepreneurship opportunities for women


Promoting ristorative justice practices and alternatives to incarceration

Strengthening international cooperation in combating transnational organized crime