MUNROT 2020 | Rotterdam 2020-03-19 | 2020-03-19 | mymun


Rotterdam, Netherlands

Mar 19 - Mar 21, 2020


150 delegates expected

University Students



Nov 1, 2019 - Jan 15, 2020


Nov 1, 2019 - Mar 9, 2020

Head Delegates

Nov 1, 2019 - Feb 23, 2020

Faculty Advisor

Nov 1, 2019 - Feb 23, 2020

Fostering global communications in a fracturing world

The waiting time is finally over! The Economic Faculty association Rotterdam (EFR) in cooperation with Erasmus School of Economics (ESE) is honored to present to you the second edition of the Model United Nations in the beautiful city of Rotterdam! This multicultural city that breathes diversity is the perfect place to organize a MUN with contentious debates, wrought-up emotions and progressive resolutions. Sporting five committees and a press corps, this MUN caters the needs of MUN veterans, experts and newbies alike.
Furthermore be ready to have a thrilling time outside of the conference rooms too: lunches and social drinks to get to know your fellow delegates from all around the globe!

EFR has lots of experience when it comes to MUNs, and after training numerous delegates over the years and sending delegations to various MUNs all over the world, the time has come to establish its own MUN, focusing on the perfect mixture of debating, exchanging views and social events.

The whole conference will take place on campus of the prestigious Erasmus University Rotterdam and Erasmus School of Economics from March 19th to March 21st, 2020.





20 Ratings

By linking previous editions of your conference you show people how well they were rated!


Security Council (advanced level)
G20 (advanced level)
General Assembly (beginner level)
European Commission (intermediate level)
ECOSOC- Economic and Social Council (beginner level)
Press Corps
Security Council (advanced level)
G20 (advanced level)
General Assembly (beginner level)
European Commission (intermediate level)
ECOSOC- Economic and Social Council (beginner level)
Press Corps

30 Spots


30 Spots


30 Spots


30 Spots


30 Spots


4 Spots


Preventing the escalation of conflict around the Hormuz strait.

The question of naval expansion and land grabs in the Southern-Asian Waters.

The question of nuclear stability in Kashmir.


Destabilisation of the growing threat of nuclear rearmament.

Ongoing insurgency in the Arabian peninsula with a special emphasis on the Yemeni civil war.

Kickstarting international collaboration to prevent an arms race in space.


Preventing the deterioration and destruction of global rainforests.

Preventing the exploitation of natural resources in the Arctic.

Combating excessive plastic pollution on drinkable water and the oceans.


Examining and fostering socio-political cooperation between the Eastern and Western blocs.

The question of developing digital markets amongst European Union nations.

Conflict between state sovereignty and the role of the European Union in confronting major issues such as migration.


Retaining and improving economic growth of the global economy by minimizing the chance of trade wars and other possible trade barriers

Discussing the development and progress of investment in education for developing nations.

Developing sustainable investments and empowering entrepreneurs in LEDCs


Photographers and content writers

Partner Conferences

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LisboMUN 2020

Lisbon, Portugal

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Moscow, Russian Federation

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The Hague, Netherlands