MUNICE 2016 | Nice 2016-06-02 | 2016-06-02 | mymun


Nice, France

Jun 2 - Jun 5, 2016


250 delegates expected

University Students



Feb 21, 2016 - Jun 3, 2016

Head Delegates

Feb 21, 2016 - May 22, 2016

Faculty Advisor

Dec 19, 2015 - May 22, 2016

Dear delegates,

We are extremely excited that you are considering being part of the unforgettable MUNICE experience! We are glad that you have gotten this far. We are looking forward to receiving your application and the Secretariat is here for you for any inquiries that you may have!

Here is a list of the available committees of the MUNICE 2016:

•   General Assembly, The 2nd Committee – Economic And Financial (ECOFIN)
•   The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
•   United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees (UNHCR)
•   United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP)
•   United Nations Security Council (UNSC)
•   Assemblée Générale Des Nations Unies, 1ère Commission – Désarmement Et Sécurité Internationale (DISEC) - French committee
•   International Court of Justice (ICJ)
•   Crisis Committee:
        • French Republic
        • Republic of Turkey
        • Russian Federation    
        • United States of America
•   Press Team - MUNICE Tribune

For further information on each committee (topics, number of delegates, procedures) please check out our website :  

Do not forget to enter your information - if you have MUN experience, please include it – and add a motivation letter in which you can outline your committee and country preferences (please note that you cannot represent the country of your nationality). 

Check out our website and take a look at our provisional schedule for MUNICE 2016 conference :

Important notice : To secure a spot in the conference, the full payment of the participation fee is required. No countries will be assigned prior to the completion of the registration process.

Social events

Just to remind you, the participation fee doesn't cover any social events.  In order to book your spot, select the item in the booking section and then head to the payment to purchase your social pack.  This year MUNICE 2016 is bringing social events to a higher level than ever.

Stay tuned, the best has yet to come!

Registrations timeline reminder

First wave of registration : from December 20th, 2015 to February 20th, 2016 Second wave of registration : from February 21st, 2016 to May 15th, 2016


The Secretariat is still looking for the best deals to make your journey the most comfortable ever.

Visa assistance

Please find out in our website a note of advice to obtain a visa: In order to make the procedure easier for you, MUNICE can deliver you an official invitation visa letter cosigned with the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis after having full payed your conference fee. If you need a visa, please send a mail to

Cher délégué,

Nous sommes extrĂŞmement ravis de l'intĂ©rĂŞt que vous portez au MUNICE ! Nous sommes impatients de vous rencontrer pour partager avec vous "l'expĂ©rience MUNICE". 

MUNICE propose cette année 8 comités anglophones et un comité en français :

ComitĂ© en français :

•   Assemblée générale, 4ème Commission - Politique spéciale et décolonisation

ComitĂ© en anglais :

•   General Assembly, The 2nd Committee – Economic And Financial (ECOFIN)
•   The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
•   United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees (UNHCR)
•   United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP)
•   United Nations Security Council (UNSC)
•   International Court of Justice (ICJ)
•   Crisis Committee:
        • French Republic
        • Republic of Turkey
        • Russian Federation    
        • Syrian Arab Republic 
        • United States of America
•   Press Team - MUNICE Tribune

Pour plus d'information sur chaque comitĂ© (sujets, nombre de dĂ©lĂ©guĂ©s, composition) consultez notre site internet officiel : 

Lors de votre inscription, n'oubliez pas de renseigner dans vos informations votre expĂ©rience dans les MUNs si vous en avez une. Écrivez une lettre de motivation dans laquelle vous expliquerez vos choix de comitĂ© et de pays (attention, vous ne pouvez pas reprĂ©senter le pays de votre nationalitĂ©). 

Le programme provisoire de la confĂ©rence de 2015 est dĂ©jĂ  disponible sur notre site internet :

Attention, le paiement des frais de participation doivent être intégralement payés afin de sécuriser votre place au sein du comité que vous avez choisi. Aucun pays n'est attribué si la procédure d'inscription n'a pas été complétée.


Nous tenons Ă  vous rappeler que les frais de participation ne couvrent pas les Ă©vĂ©nements et soirĂ©es du MUNICE 2015. RĂ©servez votre place via MyMun dans l'onglet "Booking"  et procĂ©dez au paiement du "social pack".

Cette année, MUNICE a prévu des soirées qui promettent d'être inoubliables.

Calendrier des inscriptions

  • Première vague d'inscription : 20 dĂ©cembre 2015 - 20 fĂ©vrier 2016 Deuxième vague d'inscription : 21 fĂ©vrier 2016 - 15 mai 2016


Notre SecrĂ©tariat est encore en train de chercher les hĂ´tels les plus intĂ©ressants Ă  des tarifs prĂ©fĂ©rentiels! 

Demande de visa Notre site internet explique la procĂ©dure d'obtention d'un visa : Le MUNICE est en mesure de vous octroyer une lettre officielle d'invitation consignĂ©e par l'UniversitĂ© afin de faciliter votre demande de visa (cette lettre d’invention ne peut ĂŞtre dĂ©livrĂ©e qu’après le paiement complet de vos droits d’inscription).

Feel free to contact us for any further information. We are looking forward to receiving your application and seeing you all in June.

N'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour plus de précisions. On a hâte de vous voir en juin à Nice!



(*)(*)(*)(*)( )


98 Ratings




14 Ratings




4 Ratings


International Court of Justice
DISEC (French Committee)
Security Council
MUNICE TRIBUNE - Press Committee
Crisis Committee - Cabinet - France
Crisis Committee - Cabinet - Turkey
Crisis Committee - Cabinet - Russian Federation
Crisis Committee - Cabinet - United States of America
Crisis Committee - Cabinet - Islamic Republic of Iran
International Court of Justice
DISEC (French Committee)
Security Council
MUNICE TRIBUNE - Press Committee
Crisis Committee - Cabinet - France
Crisis Committee - Cabinet - Turkey
Crisis Committee - Cabinet - Russian Federation
Crisis Committee - Cabinet - United States of America
Crisis Committee - Cabinet - Islamic Republic of Iran

13 Spots


29 Spots


28 Spots


25 Spots


30 Spots


15 Spots


6 Spots


6 Spots


6 Spots


6 Spots


6 Spots


6 Spots


Advisory opinion on the use of force by the USA, UK, France & Turkey in Syria


Prévention de la course à l’armement dans l’espace

Mesures visant à empêcher les terroristes d’acquérir des armes de destruction massive


Economic impact of the refugee crisis

International tax evasion


The Use of Nuclear Energy and Fissile Materials for Space Travel, Interplanetary Colonisation, and Extraterrestrial Industry

The Development and Regulation of Nuclear Fusion Energy


Resettlement of Syrian refugees in the Middle East and Asia

Categorization of economic refugees and their vague status within the existing UNHCR evaluation process for refugees


Appropriate actions to the threats posed to International peace and security caused by the recent terrorist acts of DAESH (ISIS/ISIL)

Action on the situation in the Middle East, with a focus on the Palestinian-Israeli question


Opportunity to engage with geostrategic priorities for nations states as well as their security threats within the Syrian Civil War and the ... Read all


Opportunity to engage with geostrategic priorities for nations states as well as their security threats within the Syrian Civil War and the ... Read all


Opportunity to engage with geostrategic priorities for nations states as well as their security threats within the Syrian Civil War and the ... Read all


Opportunity to engage with geostrategic priorities for nations states as well as their security threats within the Syrian Civil War and the ... Read all


Opportunity to engage with geostrategic priorities for nations states as well as their security threats within the Syrian Civil War and the ... Read all

Partner Conferences

AixMUN 2016Logo
AixMUN 2016

Aix-en-Provence, France

AixMUN 2015Logo
AixMUN 2015

Aix-en-Provence, France

UBIMUN 2016Logo

Birmingham, United Kingdom

MEDMUN 2016Logo

Menton, France

MEDMUN 2017Logo

Menton, France


Chahnaz LaghaProfile Picture

Chahnaz Lagha
USG for Communication

Irini NeokleousProfile Picture

Irini Neokleous
Deputy for Information Services

Yuri RyuProfile Picture

Yuri Ryu
Secretary General