MUNIC 2023 | Kochi 2023-12-08 | 2023-12-08 | mymun



Dec 8 - Dec 10, 2023

200 delegates expected

School Students



Nov 19, 2023 - Dec 1, 2023

Unleash Diplomacy

MUNsters International Conference 2023 is an initiative solely focused towards building a community of like-minded MUNers, who would bring in their creativity and innovative ideas in resolving the issues at hand.

We will ensure, to give you the best MUNing experience, virtually!

Click here to enrol:

Committee: UNHCR

What if students could shape solutions to help people forced to flee their homes?

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is challenging Model United Nations delegates worldwide to debate the major issues related to forced displacement. The best resolutions will win awards and be shared with policymakers.

The MUNsters International Conference 2023 has accepted the challenge! This is your chance to move your solutions from MUN to Real UN.


Agenda 1: Protecting Refugee Children (Age Group 12 - 14 years)

Agenda 2: Refugees' Access to Jobs and Financial Services (Age 15 - 18 years)


The world is currently facing one of the largest refugee crises in history, driven by conflicts in Syria, Afghanistan, Sudan, South Sudan, Ukraine, Israel, Palestine and more. There are approximately 118 million refugees worldwide, and the numbers continue to grow. Many refugees face obstacles in seeking asylum due to restrictive immigration policies, border controls, and barriers to entry. Refugees often struggle to access employment and economic opportunities in host countries, leading to poverty and dependence on aid.


UNHCR works to protect refugees and assists host countries in providing humanitarian aid. It advocates for the rights of refugees, including their right to seek asylum, and facilitates solutions such as resettlement and repatriation. Countries need to work together to address the global refugee crisis.


III. Conference Schedule | Virtual Sessions

Dec 8 , 2023 - Opening Ceremony

Inaugural Ceremony | 6 PM - 7 PM

Open Session for Lobby, Interaction and Instructions | 7PM - 8 PM


Dec 9, 2023 | 9 AM - 5 PM

Session I: 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM


Session II : 11:15 AM - 1 PM

Lunch Break

Session III: 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM


Session IV: 3:45 PM - 5:00 PM

Dec 10 | 9 AM - 5 PM

Session V : 9:00 AM - 11 AM


Session VI: 11:15 AM - 1:00 PM

Lunch Break

Session VII: 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM


Closing Ceremony : 4 PM - 5 PM


Rewards & Recognitions

Delegation Awards - 4

Honourable Mentions - 4

Best Position Paper - 1

Digital Participation Certificate

Best School Delegation Recognition


IV. Registration

Conference Mode: Online

Please register on the form given below. Once the payments are made, the conference details and schedule would be shared on the registered email.

A. For Individual registrations, please cluck here:

Make payment through the tab below and take a screenshot of the payment made to be used to upload in the registration form

Keep these details ready to register:

a. Payment Screenshot

b. Payee name and Bank details

B. For School Delegation Registrations, please fill the form given below and make the consolidated payment on the bank details given in the form

Last Day of Registration : Nov 30, 2023

V. Information

You would also receive the preparation guide by our team on your email immediately after payment and registration.

Country Allotment: The country allotments would be made within 3 days of the registration and payment.

Position Papers: Position Paper should be submitted to latest by Dec 4, 2023 be eligible for reward and recognition.


VI. Terms and Conditions

Please refer to the terms and conditions before completing your payments.

VII. Contact

For all queries or information, please call at 8075496822 or email at






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What if students could shape solutions to help people forced to flee their homes? UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is challenging Model United Nations delegates worldwide to debate the major issues rela...

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Agenda 1: Protecting Refugee Children

Agenda 2: Jobs and services for Refugees