MUNIA 2024 | Paris 2024-04-27 | 2024-04-27 | mymun


Paris, France

27 Apr 2024

University Students



Apr 7, 2024 - Apr 27, 2024

Let's work together to foster dialogue and international cooperation to meet these challenges. Our aim: to promote responsible innovation, protect human rights and guarantee security in an increasingly digitised world. 🤝🌐

On the threshold of an era where Artificial Intelligence is shaping our daily lives and our future, we invite you to join us for a unique experience!

Open to all, two panels with different levels of expertise will be on offer:

🔹 Scientific Council 
Mainly made up of non-state entities, this expert committee is recommended for specialised students (engineers, computer scientists, etc...) and will tackle the development of AI. 
This more general committee will address the following theme: How can AI be regulated in a balanced way on a global scale to promote innovation, ensure safety and safeguard fundamental rights?

Delegates will work together to develop practical and balanced solutions, taking into account diverse national perspectives and socio-economic issues to arrive at recommendations that are effective and respectful of the shared values of the international community. 


MUNIA 2024



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Scientific Council
Scientific Council

53 Spots


10 Spots


This committee aims to foster international dialogue and cooperation to address emerging challenges related to AI, with a focus on promoting responsible innovation, protecting human rights and ensurin...

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This council gathers associations, companies, experts, and researchers and aims to produce a report (both technical, ethical and prospective) providing guidance to policy makers regarding IA and its d...

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How can AI regulation be globally balanced to promote innovation, ensure security and safe guard fundamental rights


Discussing the development of AI, by taking into account AI alignment, cybersecurity, technological warfare, deep fake.

Partner Conferences

FMUN  2024Logo
FMUN 2024

Toulouse, France

SIA   2024Logo
SIA 2024

Paris, France

MAU   2024Logo
MAU 2024

Paris, France

TouMUN 2024Logo
TouMUN 2024

Tours, France

SATMUN 2023Logo

Lyon, France


Wilheim BlocailProfile Picture

Wilheim Blocail
Département Organisations Internationales

Maralmaa NatsagProfile Picture

Maralmaa Natsag
FDNU - Cheffe de département Organisations Internationales

Armand AvizandaProfile Picture

Armand Avizanda
FDNU - Directeur Simulations

Alix DelpyProfile Picture

Alix Delpy
Département Organisations Internationales

Kara DjakouProfile Picture

Kara Djakou
Département Organisations Internationales

Loujaine GhannouchiProfile Picture

Loujaine Ghannouchi
FDNU - Sous-Directrice Simulations

Sally DrothièreProfile Picture

Sally Drothière
Département Organisations Internationales