MLC MUN 2016 | Oss 2016-12-16 | 2016-12-16 | mymun


Oss, Netherlands

Dec 16 - Dec 18, 2016

150 delegates expected

School Students


MLC MUN gives participants the opportunity to step into the shoes of representatives of the members of the United Nations, giving them an opportunity to attempt to solve the many issues faced by the United Nations.

Maaslandcollege is a modern quality school that is internationally oriented. It provides an education to its pupils that is suitable for them. They are challenged to push their limits and to develop their talents. That happens in a stimulating, safe environment, in which clarity and respect are essential. The world lies before young people and Maaslandcollege offers them the instruments to conquer it.

We invite you to the first conference of MLC MUN.