LubMUN 2023 welcomes all youth!
We are more than proud to announce the 16th edition of Lublin Model United Nations! Here, in the European Youth Capital, attendees will have an opportunity to convene and form social connections, engage in thought-provoking debates, as well as gain further understanding about the workings of United Nations. Aside from the primary discussions, delegates are invited to a bustling social event where participants come together to enjoy themselves in the newly discovered company.
Holding the title of one of the first nationwide Polish Model United Nations, LubMUN is opened to the world yet again by the experienced Secretariat. The conference has been organised annually for the local community by Staszic Highschool in Lublin. This year, however, the borders are exceeded to welcome participants from all over the country and beyond.
The event is to entertain 170 attendees and will last from 9th to 11th of June 2023. Delegates will assemble in 10 committees ranging from Security Council, through Commission on Science and Technology for Development, to Crisis Committee. Delegate applications open on March 13th, so make sure to secure your spot!
Account number: 90 1240 1503 1111 0011 2484 3766
IBAN: PL90124015031111001124843766
Beneficiary: Stowarzyszenie Wychowanków Gimnazjum i Liceum im. Stanisława Staszica w Lublinie
Title: (Name+Surname) LubMUN 2023
Delegate fee: 180 PLN
Note that in order to be assigned you have to send us the confirmation of payment via email:
Stay tuned and do not miss out!
Find us on Instagram: @lubmun_23
Partner Conferences

Aleksandra Nalepa
Vice-President of the General Assembly

Anna Maria Sobczyk
Deputy Secretary-General

Kamil Łukasik
President of the General Assembly

Laura Fortuna
Director General

Maja Możdżeń
USG for logistics

Natalia Dysput
USG for finance

Oliwia Świtaj

Wanda Pajczuk
USG for everything