Humanity without borders?
Hello and welcome on the LFIAMUN mymun page!
We're a MUN conference based in Agadir, Morocco. We have 12 committees, and our general theme for the 2025 session is : “Humanity without borders?”
This 21st century is experiencing a paradoxical situation. Since 1945, the number of states has quadrupled and we are then talking about a “return of borders”.
Today, there are 261,000 km of borders terrestrial sites in the world, including more than 20,000 materialized by separation walls. But, if barriers are raised, certain boundaries are erased, such as :
Free trade areas, reduction of customs barriers,
globalization or even the internet contributing to the rapprochement of peoples and increasingly numerous flows.
It is this paradox that the LFIA MUN club offers you to explore. We are convinced that the delegates of various participating establishments will find solutions suitable for these complex situations, throughout various committees in french, arabic (arabian league) and english (security council).
We are looking forward to welcome you on January 11 and 12, 2025 to share unforgettable moments at our conference, in the international french school of Agadir!!