LEMUN 2022 | Leiden 2022-11-11 | 2022-11-11 | mymun


Leiden, Netherlands

Nov 11 - Nov 13, 2022

400 delegates expected

School Students



May 23, 2021 - Jun 7, 2021

Faculty Advisor

May 23, 2021 - Jun 7, 2021

New Ideas, Fresh Solutions

To submit a delegation, please email info@lemun.org for more information, or go to our website.

After a succesful LEMUN 2021, we are already looking forward to our LEMUN 2022 edition. The 2022 edition will be the 20th LEMUN conference taking place and we can't wait. 

LEMUN 2022 will be held 11-13th of November 2022 in Leiden. The costs will be roughly 45-50 euros per person.

Application deadline will be announced later. 


LEMUN LogoLeiden Model United Nations is a secondary school MUN conference that was founded in 2002, when 200 delegates participated. We have grown over the years and now host a conference for up to 450 participants. The number of foreign schools participating has also increased and we have welcomed delegates from the United States, Singapore, Germany, Belarus, Ghana and many other countries. At the moment, approximately half of the participating delegates come from abroad, ensuring an international atmosphere and cultural exchange.

High quality content

LEMUN focusses on the educational aspect of Model United Nations by inviting top-class guest speakers. In the last few years, eminent scholars spoke at LEMUN, but also people with a more practical expertise visited the conference, such as a high-ranking NATO general and one of the presidents of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. These guest speakers also give advice on possible issues and point out not only the most important subject matters in their field, but also less known, but nevertheless very interesting and pressing problems.

Accessible to everyone

Main lobbyWe believe it to be important that everybody who would like to participate in Model United Nations conferences should be able to do so. By providing community housing to a limited amount of schools, actively approaching sponsors and applying for subsidies, we make it possible to keep our conference fee and additional costs very low without the loss of quality. Furthermore, we actively encourage interested schools without MUN experience to participate and offer them our help to start up a MUN programme by publishing several documents with suggestions on how to prepare a delegation.


LEMUN is a conference with committees for both experienced and new delegates. Delegates who have not participated in many MUNs before can represent their country in one of the General Assembly committees or other fora with the standard Rules of Procedure. Delegates who are looking for a new challenge, however, have the possibility to become a delegate in the Security Council, Crisis Committee and other committees that are more demanding. We do ensure that enough experienced delegates participate in normal committees as well, in order to have a high quality debate in normal committees too. Besides that, we specifically instruct the Student Officers to help delegates that need some assistance.