Our conference, in close cooperation with the European Economic Congress, the City Council of Katowice, and the University of Silesia in Katowice will certainly be a MUN to remember.
Beneficiary: ING - Rachunek Stowarzyszenia Absolwentów i Sympatyków III LO im. A. Mickiewicza
Account number: PL 17 1050 1214 1000 0090 7979 0144
Amount: 180 PLN/40 EUR (International)
Title: Name and Surname + KATMUN 2022 Fee
After transferring the fee please send a payment confirmation to katmun2022@gmail.com. Only then can your application be assigned. The fees are non-refundable. Please note you can only transfer your fee after your application is accepted!
If payment is not received at least two weeks prior to the conference your application will be rejected by the Secretariat.
Please do not be bothered by any notifications about unpaid fees on the myMUN platform.
By linking previous editions of your conference you show people how well they were rated!
Partner Conferences
Jan Kulig
Deputy Secretary-General
Mateusz Bednarz
USG Design & Supplies
Agnieszka Nowak
USG Finances & Partnerships
Krzysztof Wszelaki
Deputy Secretary-General
Wiktoria Kurasz
USG Design & Supplies
Kacper Nowacki
President of the General Assembly
Michał Grząśko
Kinga Sztaba
Vice President of the General Assembly and Page Queen
Mateusz Gwóźdź
USG Public Relations
Amelia Szerer
USG Conference Service and Media