Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
We warmly invite you to the sixth session of Karlsruhe Model United Nations from 6th to 8th of November! Take highly committed students from all over Europe equipped with different study backgrounds and a controversial subject that will exploit the borders of political diplomacy. Add culinary specialties of the region and nightly social events to it, finally season it with the Model United Nations spirit and you receive KAMUN’s recipe.
In the upcoming months we will strive to provide you with the best MUN experience possible. KAMUN is a Model United Nations Conference suitable for both: experienced delegates and first timers. Irrespective of you taking your first steps or walking yet another mile in your Model United Nations career, KAMUN 2015 is the perfect opportunity to do so.
At KAMUN 2015 you are going to meet students who share the same spirit of enhancing global visions and of talking politics. More than 150 delegates from 22 nations come to together and experience a unique weekend in Karlsruhe.
Be passionate, be diplomatic, be convincing, be a delegate and come to meet us at KAMUN 2015! We are looking forward to your applications and registrations!
Partner Conferences
Daniela Louisa Schütte
USG Applications
Fabian Neumann
Conference Manager
Norman Neupert
USG Personnel
Peter Tse
Secretary General