JMUN 2016 | Jakarta 2016-05-26 | 2016-05-26 | mymun


Jakarta, Indonesia

May 26 - May 30, 2016


300 delegates expected

University Students and School Students



Mar 3, 2016 - Jun 21, 2016

Head Delegates

Mar 3, 2016 - Jun 21, 2016

Faculty Advisor

Mar 3, 2016 - Jun 21, 2016


Mar 3, 2016 - Jun 21, 2016

Towards Sustainable Future: Eradicating Inequality and Securing Global Threats

Jakarta Model United Nations (JMUN) is the biggest International Model United Nations (MUN) in Indonesia which first-ever held in the capital city of Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta, by ISAFIS (Indonesian Students Association for International Studies) in 2011. Jakarta Model United Nations 2016 sets its sight on raising the awareness that the international issues and challenges are no longer characterized solely by the military and the traditional security issues, but also those that pose threats to our effort in achieving better civilization. These challenges vary from food security, and poverty to transnational crime, and climate change.

Registration Fee: National Single Delegate: IDR 750.000 National Delegation : IDR 700.000 National Faculty Advisor/Observer : IDR 450.000

International Single Delegate: $95.00 International Single Delegation: $90.00 International Faculty Advisor/Observer: $65.00

Delegation : Small Delegation : Consist of 4-6 individual Big Delegation : Consist of 7-12 individual


JMUN 2016

(*)(*)(*)(*)( )


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Press Committee
High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development
World Health Organization
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Social Cultural and Humanitarian Committee
Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly
Press Committee
High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development
World Health Organization
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Social Cultural and Humanitarian Committee
Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly

20 Spots


53 Spots


38 Spots


46 Spots


49 Spots


53 Spots


Topic 1 : National Economic Policies for the Post 2015 Agenda: Sustainable Development Goals, from a Vision to Action


Topic 1 : The Rise of Zika Virus

Topic 2 : World Water Crisis


Topic 1 : The Impact of Climate Change on Vulnerable Nations


Topic 1 : Eliminating Violence towards Indigenous People

Topic 2 : Protecting Right to Development Amidst Humanitarian Crises


Topic 1 : Combating Drug Trafficking and Its Impact On The World