JEIMUN 2024 | Tokyo 2024-01-06 | 2024-01-06 | mymun


Tokyo, Japan

Jan 6 - Jan 8, 2024

300 delegates expected

School Students

Hello, and nice to meet you. We are the organizers of JEIMUN.

JEIMUN is the first large-scale global Model United Nations conference to be held in TOKYO. The conference will be held from Jan 6th-8th 2024 in a venue near Shibuya Tokyo, with a maximum capacity of 300 delegates from all over the world.

Our agenda item is UNSC reform, an area where much discussion is needed in these times, however at the same time, an area that many of us struggle to even imagine. We aim to make our conference not only a great opportunity to participate in MUN, but also an opportunity where youth around the world can gather to share ideas and connect.

For those interested, we have prepared a chartered tour around the city of Tokyo on the second day to further enrich your experience. We aim to offer high school students all around the world not just a great opportunity for MUN, but also an opportunity to explore Japanese culture and to connect with one another globally.

Any high school student from any country can register. We will be assisting participants in all ways possible from booking of hotels, to preparation for the conference, and even match making for students who are unable to find a teammate to register with. 

Nearly 60 schools have already applied including some from the Philippines, UK, and Oman, and many more on the way. For more details you can check out our website below or ask us through email or instagram. Our registration link is can also be found below 

We hope you will consider joining us too, and look forward to seeing you in Tokyo!




General Assembly
General Assembly

195 Spots
