ISMUN 2021 | 2021-05-28 | 2021-05-28 | mymun



May 28 - May 30, 2021

300 delegates expected

School Students

Welcome to International Students Model United Nations (ISMUN) a conference created to give all students access to a high-quality Model United Nations Conference. The conference will be held over zoom from the 28th to the 30th of May 2021. 

ISMUN was created to allow students to collaborate and grow in their mun experiences. We want ISMUN to be available to as many students as possible so we are having three separate time zones for this conference. Zone one is UTC -9 to UTC -2, zone two is UTC -1 to UTC +4, and zone 3 is UTC +5 to UTC +12.

We will be hosting three incredible committees that will focus on an array of current global issues

World  Health Organization (WHO) - Ensuring equality in the distribution of medical supplies for the prevention of HIV/AIDS and devising fundamental improvement plans for public health systems in Least Developed Countries.

Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural (SOCHUM) - Improvement on children’s rights in Least Developed Countries with a focus on child prostitution and sex tourism and the fight and promotion for effective and fair democracy with a focus on post-war communities. 

United Nations Security Council (UNSC) - The Somali’s Civil War and the Kashmir’s situation.

If you wish to participate in the conference, you will find the delegate registration form here

During the buildup to the conference, delegates will research their country’s position on the topics for their committee. 

We are running ISMUN completely free of cost for the public benefit. All high school students can find out more now by visiting