A holistic approach towards the role of youth diplomacy in achieving world peace.
We welcome you to the 1st edition of IPS Upper Secondary Model United Nations!
We are pleased to announce the first edition of IPSMUN, which will take place in Wrocław between 21 and 23 March 2025.
We strive to provide an environment where people can blossom and thrive. While seeking compromise and collaborating we build a better world. Join us in creating a brighter future for us all. Through our conference’s theme we want to both encourage the youth joining us to expand their diplomatic reach and discover new ways to improve our world. We aim to all work collaboratively towards new and innovative solutions.
We warmly invite you to apply, see you in March!
Secretariat of IPSMUN 2025
Why should you apply?
Our conference offers many unique experiences that other Model United Nations conferences don't have.
- We will be hosting several of the main committee's, however additionally, something special about our conference is that we will be creating a “The Oscars” committee which will be a place where you will have a chance to be your favourite celebrities or famous influencers and debate on several impactful topics that recently happened. Apply early to ensure a spot!
- "Early Bird Fees" The IPSMUN conference will be offering a discount for anyone who applies early so make use of this offer while you can and apply now.
- Many unique sponsors! Make sure to go check out our sponsors as we will have several extremely unique sponsors that will ensure many benefits for all delegates and/or chairs that apply.
How to apply?
To apply for IPSMUN 2025, scroll up and click the ‘Apply Now’ button at the top of the page. Select your desired role: Delegate, Chair, or Observer. Next, it’s time to get creative—answer the unique questions prepared by our Secretariat. Be original and showcase your personality! You’ll also be asked to choose your preferences, choose wisely! The final step is writing a motivational letter. In this document, share your MUN experience and explain why you want to participate in IPSMUN 2025.
How to contact us?
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out! You can email us at ips.mun@ipschool.pl or contact us through our Instagram account—@ips.mun Our Secretariat is here to assist you, so if you’re ever unsure about anything, don't hesitate to reach out!
The age requirement for delegates is 14 years.
Delegate applications are open. Apply now!
Bank account - 05 1140 2004 0000 3602 8296 6633
You can contact us through:
Gmail - ips.mun@ipschool.pl
Instagram - @ips.mun
Partner Conferences

Aleksandra Kozłowska
Secretary General

Alex Kowalska
USG of Design

Antoni Frasyniuk
USG of Logistics

Daniil Pshenyanik
Vice USG of Finance

Diana Zakielarz
USG of Delegate Services
Eric Johnson
School advisor

Igor Danielewicz
Vice USG of Logistics

Ips Upper Secondary

Jakub Łacek
USG of Finance

Jeethika Vijayarajan Seethalakshmi
Vice USG of Design

Kuba Kołodziejski
USG of Media

Michał Łacek
Vice USG of Media

Myesha Amelie Adele
Vice USG of Delegate Services

Nagesh Datta Suresh
President of the General Assembly

Vedaant Khatri
Vice President of the General Assembly