IMUNA 2025 | Alkmaar 2025-06-13 | 2025-06-13 | mymun


Alkmaar, Netherlands

Jun 13 - Jun 15, 2025


400 delegates expected

School Students

Sign Up here! Registration closes February 14, 2025.

The International Model United Nations of Alkmaar (IMUNA) is an annually held MUN conference in Alkmaar, the Netherlands. The conference is beginner friendly and thanks to our THIMUN affiliation, quality can be guaranteed. This edition will be the 31st edition of IMUNA. 

Participating in the IMUNA conference is a great learning experience for all and a fantastic way to make new friends from all over the world. Participation can be done in various ways, such as signing up as a Delegate, Student Officer, Host Family or Press. Before signing up, please read our handbook for participation. Among other things, this document contains information regarding the participation fees and registration procedures. 

IMUNA is a conference for high school students aged 12 to 20 years old.




IMUNA 2024

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0 Ratings


Security Council
North Atlantic Council
General Assembly Plenary
Economic and Social Council
Human Rights Council
Environment Commission
Special Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Special Conference on information exchange in the digital era
Historical Security Council - 1967
World Health Assembly
General Assembly 4
General Assembly 3
General Assembly 1
Security Council
North Atlantic Council
General Assembly Plenary
Economic and Social Council
Human Rights Council
Environment Commission
Special Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Special Conference on information exchange in the digital era
Historical Security Council - 1967
World Health Assembly
General Assembly 4
General Assembly 3
General Assembly 1

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195 Spots


Finding a path to peace in times of growing tensions in the Middle East

The issue of the South Chinese Sea

The issue of Haiti


Combating China’s growing influence in underdeveloped nations

Reconsidering the efficiency of the use of arms embargoes

Ensuring all member states are able to and willing to comply to NATO’s defence budget standards


Evaluating the contribution of multilateral organisations, like the UN, to peacekeeping, diplomacy, and conflict prevention


Sub-forum 1: Improving incentives for multinational corporations to transition to greener forms of energy

Sub-forum 2: Ensuring job safety in a time of ever-expanding AI-capabilities

Sub-forum 3: Improving access to education for children in LDCs


Combating child marriage in sub-Saharan Africa

Violations of women’s human rights in Afghanistan

The issue of combating slavery in the precious metal industry


Assisting underdeveloped nations in protecting themselves from natural disasters

Combating deforestation in the tropics

Reducing plastic pollution


The issue of the usage of Artificial Intelligence for surveillance of citizens

The issue of Artificial Intelligence as a tool for misinformation and disinformation

Ensuring equal access to AI-technology for LEDCs


The dilemma between protecting free speech and combating hate speech

The growing polarisation as a result of engagement-based algorithms

The challenges of countering human trafficking in the digital era


The six-day war

The growing tensions between the United States of America and the Soviet Union

The Nigerian civil war


Fighting the growing obesity rates and the associated health risks

Improving mental health accessibility to victims of armed conflict

Reducing the spread of STDs in LEDCs


Improving the sovereignty of African nations and their economic independence from their former colonizers

The growing unease in European member states as a result of migration from the Middle East and the Mediterranean area


Reducing online harassment and discrimination

The issue of human genetic enhancement


Evaluating the role of private military and security companies when it comes to international security

Reducing the nuclear stockpile