IMUN Indonesia 2022 | Delhi 2022-06-16 | 2022-06-16 | mymun


Delhi, Indonesia

Jun 16 - Jun 18, 2022

200 delegates expected

University Students and School Students

📌 Sponsored by the UNDP & Australian Embassy previously

Tick tock! ⏰️
Time's running out for IMUN Indonesia. Have you booked your seat yet? 😲

📌Venue: Atma Jaya University, Jakarta
📌Dates: 16 to 18 June
🔵Early Bird Fee: 239 USD (VALID TILL 15 May)
🔵Normal Fee: 319 USD

Get ready to see the world like never before! 3 days of intense sessions,  pathbreaking Committees and an exclusive Diplomatic Talk featuring the cream of the MUN world and diplomatic circuit🤩 Interact with young leaders from all over the world and show them your mettle! Learn to be a diplomatic savant with improved leadership, public-speaking and negotiation abilities🥰 Our special training sessions will help you do just that!

ALL Participants get Professional IMUN Certificates, Exclusive Training Seminars, Study Guides and the coveted IMUN Membership✅️ They also get an opportunity to be a Campus Ambassador for IMUN. In one word, this isn't just a MUN - it's a career vacay 🤩Top performers get special recognition and awards 🎖

You don't want to miss this. APPLY NOW at

Other reasons you should apply:

✔️Professional IMUN participation certificates
✔️Award Certificates & Memento to the awardees
✔️IMUN Procedure Training before & during the conference by the IMUN professionals
✔️Access to pre-conference training materials
✔️6-committee sessions i.e total 12 hours of committee sessions & training
✔️3 meals i.e lunch on 3-days of the conference
✔️4 times Tea/Snacks on 3-days of the conference
✔️Official IMUN Delegates Kit
✔️Entry to the Diplomatic Talk discussion by distinguished speakers
✔️Dedicated IMUN Team for any assistance pre/post or during the conference
✔️Opportunity to get an Internship at International MUN
✔️Free IMUN Online Conferences participation
✔️Free IMUN Membership

In Collaboration with UNIKA Atma Jaya, one of the most prestigious universities in Indonesia


United Nations Security Council (UNSC)
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
World Health Organization (WHO)
United Nations Women (UN Women)
United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF)
United Nations Security Council (UNSC)
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
World Health Organization (WHO)
United Nations Women (UN Women)
United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF)

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